Lessard Loot PrizesLessard Loot Prizes These Won’t Be Replaced
Lessard Loot Prizes End Of Semester Party – 150 School Related Video (With Assignment) – 100 Pick Your Own Teams – 75 Buy Out HW Assignment – 50 Electronics Use For Whole Class During Work Period – 50 Due Date Extension – 50 / Day (Before Due Date) Other Prizes By Negotiation
New Team Names Meet with your new team Create a team name that fits with the theme “Surprise Superheroes” Must Be School Appropriate Come up with ideas for your logo + 15 Points For Best Logo Design (Before / After School) + 15 Points For Best Logo Design (Before / After School)
What I’m Watching For This Scoring Period Tardiness – No Note After The Bell = Negative Points Standard of Work On Time Not Rushed Acceptable Formatting (MLA) Name Class (Period) Date Title If Typed: Size 12 TNR x2 Spaced * * * If Hand Written: Neat / Legible Name Class (Period) Date Title If Typed: Size 12 TNR x2 Spaced * * * If Hand Written: Neat / Legible
Culture Paper Grades Are Entered You Have Until Monday To Redo Papers Meet with me Use the rubric on turnitin.com Don’t do more work than you need to Make sure you’re working on the right things Quarter Grades No Paper
Vocabulary Quiz PointsVocabulary Quiz Points 1 st Period +10 John H. Andrew Matt Vincent Stephanie +2 Erica Vinny 1 st Period +10 John H. Andrew Matt Vincent Stephanie +2 Erica Vinny 2 nd Period +10 Rachel Jullian Robert Sohui Carmen Connor +2 Zach Garrett 2 nd Period +10 Rachel Jullian Robert Sohui Carmen Connor +2 Zach Garrett 4 th Period +10 Quinn Hunter Jake Alec Elijah +2 Kristina Brandon Lexi Willem Serena 4 th Period +10 Quinn Hunter Jake Alec Elijah +2 Kristina Brandon Lexi Willem Serena 5 th Period +10 Joel Reeve Devin Max Mateo Malek Nathan K. Julia Nathan W. Ben +2 Ryan 5 th Period +10 Joel Reeve Devin Max Mateo Malek Nathan K. Julia Nathan W. Ben +2 Ryan 6 th Period +10 Alex F. Anna Sam 6 th Period +10 Alex F. Anna Sam
Second Quarter Outside Reading Project 4 – 6 Minute Book Talk Tomorrow, we will go to the library and you will select a grade-level appropriate book that you have not read before. At the end of the quarter, you will be expected to give a 4 – 6 minute presentation / book talk that contains the information on the following slides. IMPORTANT! You will be required to upload a copy of your Book Talk script to turnitin.com. If it’s not uploaded, you will not present (no make-ups) IMPORTANT! You will be required to upload a copy of your Book Talk script to turnitin.com. If it’s not uploaded, you will not present (no make-ups)
Book Overview (~1 minute) Genre Setting Essential elements of the plot (don’t give away too much) Descriptions of the main characters
Author’s Style (1-2 minutes) Select a quote or passage as an example of the author’s style. Make sure it’s long enough for us to get a taste of the book. Context / Significance (what’s going on?) Comment on style (word choice, sentence structure, figurative language). Is it effective? Ineffective? Use examples. What is the point of view, and is it effective? What is the tone, and is it effective?
Theme (1-2 minutes) Explain and discuss a central theme in the book using evidence to support your claim. Remember that we have not read this book, so explain it in a way that makes sense to us. * * * Theme = Idea + Author’s thoughts For Example Theme of Romeo & Juliet = Rushing in to love without thinking things through may have unforeseen, negative consequences.
Your Opinion, Critique, and Recommendation (2 minutes max) Possible Questions For Opinion / Critique What do you like / dislike about the writing style? What was your favorite / least favorite part? If you could change something, what would it be? How clearly is the book written? What did this book leave out? How does this book compare to others that you’ve read in this genre? What personal experiences do you have relating to the subject? How To Give A Recommendation Discuss why you would or would not personally recommend this book to another person. Despite your response to the prompt above, what type of reader would and / or would not enjoy this book?
ABCD *Style discussion is thoughtful, thorough and well- explained leading to insightful analysis. *Style is discussed and gives a taste of the text. *Style is analyzed clearly. *Style discussion is attempted and an attempt at analysis is made, but parts remain unclear. *Style is mentioned, but a clear understanding through analysis is not present. *Theme is clear and easily defended through textual exploration *Theme is discussed and defendable. *A simple theme is present, and may require more exploration. *Theme is mentioned broadly but is incompletely defended. *Critique is clear, well-reasoned, and substantiated effectively. *Critique and recommendation are explained effectively. *Critique is short and not well explained. *Critique is unsubstantial, leaving audience unconvinced. This Will Be A Summative Grade
Library Expectations 11 / 10 / 2015 Be On Time Seated and ready for attendance before the bell Be Respectful Of The Space All Classroom Policies Still Apply Phones / Points / Etc. Wasting Time Isn’t An Excuse Find A Book Read It I’ll be making a list of books.