Vocabulary 1. Aggression 2. Allied Powers 3. Anschluss 4. Appeasement 5. Axis Powers 6. Blitzkrieg 7. Conscription 8. Munich Pact 9. Neutrality Acts 10. Sudetenland
Standards Summarize the causes and course of World War II, including drives for empire, appeasement and isolationism, the invasion of Poland, the Battle of Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the “Final Solution,” the Lend-Lease program, Pearl Harbor, Stalingrad, the campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean, the D-Day invasion, the island-hopping campaigns, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki Summarize the causes and course of World War II, including drives for empire, appeasement and isolationism, the invasion of Poland, the Battle of Britain, the invasion of the Soviet Union, the “Final Solution,” the Lend-Lease program, Pearl Harbor, Stalingrad, the campaigns in North Africa and the Mediterranean, the D-Day invasion, the island-hopping campaigns, and the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Standard World War II
1. The Cause of the War A. World War II was caused by German, Italian, and Japanese aggression AND discontent from the Treaty of Versailles. A. World War II was caused by German, Italian, and Japanese aggression AND discontent from the Treaty of Versailles. –All 3 countries wanted to establish empires.
2. German Aggression A. A. Germany began the 1930’s with aggressive war-like acts. B. B. The League of Nations was unable to stop them. C. C. These actions openly violated the Treaty of Versailles. A. A.In 1935 Hitler created an Air Force. B. B.In 1936 Hitler ordered troops into the Rhineland or demilitarized zone between Germany and France.
"Into Dust with All Enemies of Greater Germany!" "The Jew: The inciter of war, the prolonger of war." “Join the Nazi war cause
3. Italian Aggression A. A. Italy was angry about the Treaty of Versailles; they did not awarded any extra land. B. B. In 1935 Mussolini invaded Ethiopia in North Africa. C. C. Because The League of Nations was unable to stop the Italians, they conquered more land in North Africa.
Italy finally has its Empire The end sabotage
4. Japanese Aggression A. A. The Japanese also blamed the U.S. and Europe for their problems. B. B. In 1931 Japan invaded Manchuria. C. C. In 1937 Japan invaded China; the Chinese worked together to fight Japan. D. D. When The League of Nations condemned these actions, Japan left the League.
5. The Axis Powers of World War II A.Germany, Italy, and Japan formed the Axis Powers in B.The Axis assisted Generalissimo Franco of Spain in the Spanish Civil War.
6. Neutrality and Appeasement The United States passed the Neutrality Acts which prohibited the country from loaning money or selling weapons to either side. The United States passed the Neutrality Acts which prohibited the country from loaning money or selling weapons to either side. France and Great Britain followed a policy of appeasement, believing that Hitler would stop if they allowed him to take what he wanted. France and Great Britain followed a policy of appeasement, believing that Hitler would stop if they allowed him to take what he wanted.
7. Appeasement… A. Strike 1: Hitler declared the Anschluss, German Unification with Austria. B. Strike 2: Hitler demanded the Sudetenland. A.European leaders met at the Munich Conference to solve the problem. B.Hitler was given the Sudetenland, but had to promise not to invade further nations = Munich Pact C. Strike 3: Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia and Italy invaded Albania.
Source A The Versailles Treaty is worthless. 60 million German hearts and minds are on fire with anger and shame. They will cry out ‘We want war!’ The Versailles Treaty is worthless. 60 million German hearts and minds are on fire with anger and shame. They will cry out ‘We want war!’ Mein Kampf (a book written by Hitler, 1924). Source B It will be the duty of German foreign policy to get large spaces to feed and house the growing population of Germany. Destiny points us towards Russia. It will be the duty of German foreign policy to get large spaces to feed and house the growing population of Germany. Destiny points us towards Russia. Hitler, Mein Kampf (1924). Source C The menace of Russia hangs over Germany. All our strength is needed to rescue our nation from this international snake. The menace of Russia hangs over Germany. All our strength is needed to rescue our nation from this international snake. Hitler, Mein Kampf (1924) Hitler, Mein Kampf (1924)
8. The War Begins A. In September 1939, Hitler launched a Blitzkrieg against Poland. B. Britain and France responded with a declaration of War. C. World War II had begun.