Workflow Services & AppFabric Eric W. Greene, MCPD Phone:
What is AppFabric? O AppFabric does a lot. O us/library/ee aspx us/library/ee aspx O Tonight, we will look at the following: O Caching O Workflow Monitoring O Workflow Persistence
Installing AppFabric O Download At: us/windowsserver/ee695849 us/windowsserver/ee O When Installing: O You will need IIS Manager for Remote Administration. It will give you a link to download. O Be sure to check the two “Caching” check boxes. O Under Administrative Tools\Services set the three AppFabric Services to Start Automatically.
Configuring AppFabric O AppFabric Configuration Tool O Sets up monitoring and persistence databases. O Sets up cache configuration database and configures cache cluster. O AppFabric PowerShell O Does a lot, we will use it to start our cache cluster and add a named cache called “TestCache”. O Edit Configuration. O IIS Manager (We will look at this tool later when we program our Workflow Service)
Caching Example O Create a Project, change Target Framework, Add references. O Store an object in our named cache “TestCache”. O Use PowerShell to see some stats about cache. O Retrieve, then remove our object. O An object must be serializable to be cached.
Physically, What’s Happening Source:
Logically, What’s Happening Source:
Workflow Services 4.0 O A workflow service is a Workflow with a WCF front-end. O AppFabric was particularly designed to improve monitoring and persisting of workflow services. O Tonight, we will create a sample workflow service and examine it with IIS Manager and AppFabric.
Workflow Svc Example O Create a new project from the template “WCF Workflow Service Application” located under the WCF and Workflow template categories. O Under Project Properties/Web – select “Use Local IIS Web Server”, then click “Create Virtual Directory”. O To manage configuration click “Configure” under “Manage WCF and WF Services”.