Who do you believe is responsible for WWII? Keep this question in mind as we go through this chapter.
What do you already know about WWII? What would you like to learn about WWII? I’m going to try to include some of your responses in the next few chapters if I can. Try to compose thoughtful responses.
During the Great Depression, Germany was hit extremely hard. In addition to losing jobs, Germany was still repaying reparations from WWI.
Adolf Hitler took this opportunity to violate the Treaty of Versailles from WWI. He began by building up the German army by more than 100,000 men allowed. Hitler argued that he needed a bigger army to defend Germany.
The League of Nations did nothing to stop Hitler. 2 years later: Hitler invades Alsace- Lorraine, which was given to France after WWI. Nothing happened.
Germany then annexed Hitler’s homeland of Austria. Hitler said that he needed to unite all German speaking people. The League of Nations grants this request.
Hitler then adds the Sudetenland, which is a German speaking region of Czechoslovakia. This region is also a coal producing region, which was very important. The world powers also allow this to happen.
Hitler then wanted to annex all of Czechoslovakia. Neville Chamberlain was the British PM at this point. Chamberlain was responsible for appeasement.
Appeasement: yielding to someone’s demands in order to keep the peace. Chamberlain and Hitler met and signed the Munich Pact. It basically said that Hitler could take over Czechoslovakia, but no more countries could be invaded.
Hitler became very popular with Germans. Germany hated the Treaty of Versailles. Germany allowed Hitler to take control of Germany and become a dictatorship.
Who is really to blame for starting WWII? In your opinion, could WWII have been avoided? How so?
Totalitarianism: a system in which the government controls everything. This includes the economy. The Soviet Union under Vladimir Lenin was an example of a totalitarian government.
Lenin was a Communist. Josef Stalin was Lenin’s successor. Josef Stalin used brutal methods to gain control of the Soviet Union. He had people who opposed him arrested and executed.
Fascism: based on extreme nationalism in which the state comes before personal freedoms. Italy became a dictatorship under Benito Mussolini. He was a fascist. He banned outlaw unions and censored the press.
Nazism: Nazis believed that Germans and other Nordic people were physically and morally superior to all other races. Hitler called them Aryans. Nazis wanted to purify Germany by removing other races, especially Jews.
Hitler laid out the Nazi philosophy in his autobiography, Mein Kampf. He basically outlined his plan for taking over the entire world. Germany’s economic depression gave Hitler the opportunity to spread his views.
In 1932, Hitler was named chancellor of Germany. He quickly replaced the German government with a totalitarian one. His government passed laws targeting Jews.
Jews were barred from holding certain jobs. They were allowed to be persecuted in the streets. Kristallnacht occurred during this time, which destroyed Jewish shops and temples.
Finally, Jews and other undesirables were sent to concentration camps.
You have an idea of how Jews were treated in Germany during WWII. What would you have done if you were persecuted in this manner? Would you have attempted to help Jewish families, even though it could have meant sending you and your family to concentration camps?
During this time, Japan wanted to expand its empire. It took over a part of China, Korea, Taiwan, and several small Pacific islands.
During this time, the U.S. remained neutral. Isolationism: staying out of other countries’ affairs. Neutrality acts: laws passed by Congress to keep the U.S. out of potential war in Europe.
Do you think that it was a good idea for the U.S. to remain neutral at this time? Why or why not?
In August 1939, Hitler and Stalin (leader of the Soviet Union) signed a non- aggression treaty. This meant that Germany and the Soviet Union wouldn’t fight each other.
Hitler wanted to take over Poland, but Britain and France warned Hitler that if he tried, there would be war. Hitler couldn’t fight the war on 2 fronts. Germany would lose just like they did in WWI. The Soviet Union despised Hitler and the Nazis, but could strengthen their borders and protect themselves. However…Hitler secretly planned to attack the Soviet Union anyway. Stay tuned.
September 1, 1939: Germany invades Poland. September 3, 1939: Britain and France declare war on Germany. WWII had begun.