Extended Learning Quarterly Webinar End of the Year Report April 18, 2016 Office Of Extended Learning
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Topics Webinar etiquette Program updates Upcoming Events End of Year report
Program Updates Regional Check-ins –Upper East TN May 11 th and 12 th (Morristown) –Lower East TN May 18 th and 19 th (Chattanooga) –West TN May 25 th and 26 th (Brownsville) –Middle TN May 2 nd (Murfreesboro) Contact Kim Daubenspeck if you have not signed up for an appointment yet.
Due Dates May 13, 2016 End of Year Report uploaded into ePlan April 30, 2016 Supplies budget revision deadline June 30, 2016 End of the fiscal year, end date for project expenses June 30, 2016 Final Expenditure Report due for projects not having summer programs August 15, 2016 Final Expenditure Report due for projects having summer programs
End of Year Report Requirements Complete a EOY report for each project cohort funded (21 st CCLC only) and all LEAPS projects Attendance should be reported from June 1, 2015 to the present EOY reports will be submitted in ePlan. Instructions are in the report If you need a copy of the EOY report template please Don Sims:
End of the Year Report Instructions: –Complete each section of the report. –In the goal and objective section, focus on one academic area: reading/language arts, math, science or social studies. –If you have more than one 21 st CCLC project, complete a report for each project (not each site). –If this is the third year of the 21 st CCLC project, we will use the EOY report and prior performance reports to consider extending the grant for two additional years.
Instructions –Complete the rubric. –Extended learning staff will read and score the reports. The grantee’s score will be averaged with the extended learning staff members’ scores. –All awards are based on the availability of funds. Report documents will be submitted in ePlan. The instructions for submission are listed at the end of the report.
End of the Year Report Agency Name: Contact Person: Title: Phone: Fax: Person Completing Report: (if other than contact person) Program Level: Check all that apply. Elementary (Pre-K-5) Middle (6-8) High (9-12) Adult Family Members Year Grant was awarded: Grant Award Amount: $ No. of Students participating: ___ days ___ days ____ 90+ days TOTAL: _________ No. of Parents participating. These are parents who participate in program activities that have been specifically scheduled for them such as ELL classes, job training programs, etc. Do not count parents who attend parent night activities. : ____ days _____ days _____ 90+ days TOTAL:_________ Sites/Schools involved in the project: SiteSite AddressGrade LevelHours of Program Operation Current allocation The times when your program is open. Example: 3:30 – 6:30 pm
End of the Year Report Summer Program SiteSite AddressDates of Summer Program Summer Program Hours of Operation Will summer programming be offered at any time between June 1 and July 31, 2016? Yes No If yes, please list the dates, location(s) and hours of operation for the summer program below. Year of last site visit by TDOE Extended Learning staff (Janell or Don): _____________. If a site visit has not yet been conducted, please leave blank. Section IProgramming 1.Briefly describe how students were selected to participate in the program this year. 1.Provide brief (1-2 sentences) examples of activities and services that have been provided thus far, specifically, in regards to the required components: o Reading/Language Arts o Math/Science o Tutoring/Mentoring o Health/Wellness/Fitness/Nutrition Review 21 st CCLC and LEAPs student selection guidelines
SMART Goal (Program or participants) will (action word/s) (object of the goal) by (time) for the purpose of (relevance/results). Example of a SMART Goal: By May 2016, 35% of our participants will improve academic achievement in mathematics through high-quality research-based interventions. Objective: By May 2016, 35% of our participants will attain a passing letter grade in math during the course of the program year as measured by report card grades for the third six weeks. Outcome: Currently 20% of our participants are passing math and our goal is to increase that level to 35% as measured by the third six week grading period for the purpose of participants’ successfully passing mathematics.
End of the Year Report Goal: What was the SMART Goal? Use the language from the professional development sessions or mid year report Objective: What was the measurable objective? Activities: What activities were implemented for this goal? Professional Development: What professional development workshops did staff participated in to help them achieve this goal? Expected Outcomes: What were the specific measurable outcomes for this goal? 3. Select 1 ACADEMIC project goal and share the following information: [1] [1] Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely Focus on the activities and PD that relate to the goal
End of the Year Report Evaluation Method: What methods were used to measure progress towards the goal? Focus only on the Goal Use of Data for Improvement: What specific data was collected? (i.e. grades, formative assessment scores, etc.). Provide examples of data that was collected. You may insert a chart or table if necessary. How was the data collected to measure outcomes used to improve the program? What were the specific results? Provide data to support your answer. You may insert a chart or table if necessary. Answer each bullet point. Communication of Results: How did the extended learning program communicate results to key stakeholders such as parents, students, and the school community? Consider your entire program 4.Briefly describe the parent/family engagement activities that have occurred since the beginning of the grant period. 5.If you have developed new partnerships/collaborations since the mid-year report, please a brief description about the new partnership(s). 6.Briefly describe any proposed changes to the program for the project year. Please note that any changes in program sites must be approved by the Extended Learning administrative team, prior to implementation.
End of the Year Report Section IIFiscal Management Please check yes or no to answer each question. Refer to ePlan to confirm the dates of reimbursement requests and budget revisions. Funds are drawn down from ePlan regularly (once per month) in correlation to expenditures. Yes No Dates of reimbursement requests: Budget and accounting records (i.e. account analysis, general ledger sheet for reimbursement requests) align with approved funding application, and reflect the approved line items and amounts. Refer to ePlan for reimbursement documentation. Yes No Budget revisions are submitted in ePlan and approved prior to obligating the funds. (EDGAR 80.30(c)(2)) Yes No Grantee/Agency submits required reports (i.e. Annual Performance Report, mid and end of the year reports) and documentation (i.e. rosters) to the TDOE Office of Extended Learning in a timely manner. Yes No Please remember that we monitor all of these items so provide accurate answers.
End of the Year Report Section III Budget Please note the budget document for this report is intended to be used overview of projected expenditures for The official budget will be submitted and approved in ePlan. It is expected that the budget may need to be revised as the program year progresses. Grantees must include a Budget Narrative describing the expenditures listed below. The budget narrative should not exceed 2 pages. Please note that the appropriate ePlan budget codes have been included as a reference. Once contracts have been executed and allocations awarded, agencies will revise their budgets in ePlan. GRANT BUDGET AGENCY NAME Refer to Department of Finance and Administration Policy 03, Uniform Reporting Requirements and Cost Allocation Plans for Subrecipients of Federal and State Grant Monies, Appendix A for further definition of each expense object line-item in the model budget format. Policy 03 can be found on the Internet at: POLICY 03 Object Line-item Reference EXPENSE OBJECT LINE-ITEM CATEGORY (detail schedule(s) attached as applicable) TOTAL GRANT REQUEST 1Salaries 105Supervisor or Director 116Teachers 162Clerical Personnel 163Educational Assistants 188Bonus Payments 189Other Salaries & Wages 195Certified Substitute Teachers 198Non-certified Substitute Teachers
End of the Year Report 2Benefits & Taxes ____________% 201Social Security 204State Retirement 206Life Insurance 207Medical Insurance 208Dental Insurance 210Unemployment Compensation 212Employer Medicare 299Other Fringe Benefits 4, 15Professional Fee/ Grant & Award 399 Other Contracted Services 5Supplies 422 Food Supplies 429 Instructional Supplies & Materials 499 Other Supplies & Materials 6Telephone 599 Other Charges 7Postage & Shipping 599 Other Charges 8Occupancy 399Other Contracted Services 9Equipment Rental & Maintenance 336 Maintenance & Repair Service (Equipment) 10Printing & Publications 599Other Charges 11, 12Travel/ Conferences & Meetings 355 Travel 524In-Service/Staff Development 14Insurance 599Other Charges 18Other Non-Personnel 20Capital Purchase 22Indirect Cost ______________% 25GRAND TOTAL
End of the Year Report Budget Narrative: Provide a detailed narrative of each budget line item expense. Average ScoreFunding Criteria 90 or abovean increase in funding up to $15, an increase in funding up to $10, same level of funding as FY2016 Below 70possible reduction in funding IV Report Rubric Complete the attached scoring rubric. The report rubric is an opportunity for the Grantee/Agency to assess progress towards goals/objectives as well as its fiscal management of the grant. The EOY report will also be read and scored by the TDOE Extended Learning Program staff. The TDOE scores will be averaged with the Grantee/Agency scores and will be considered when determining award amounts for For example: All awards are based on the availability of funds. Submission: Submit the End of the Year report and report rubric in ePlan. The instructions are listed below: Log into ePlan From the left side tool bar select LEA Documents Library Click on 2016 to open the folder Scroll down to Documents Section, Extended Learning TDOE Documents Click edit documents If you need to download a copy of the template from ePlan: o Download the template from the “Documents/Links” section. o Save the template to your computer to complete your report Click upload documents Name the file to be uploaded Click choose file to select the file from your computer Add a document description - End of the Year Report Click save and the document will be added Repeat steps to add the report rubric
Rubric Provide an accurate assessment of your program.
Contact Information TDOE Extended Learning Staff Janell Wood Director of Extended Learning Kim Daubenspeck Education Consultant Don Sims Education Consultant Mario Pennington Grants Program Manager Donna Tiesler Fiscal Review Officer New address: TDOE Extended Learning Programs 710 James Robertson Parkway 11 th Floor Nashville, TN 37243
FRAUD, WASTE or ABUSE Citizens and agencies are encouraged to report fraud, waste or abuse in State and Local government. NOTICE: This agency is a recipient of taxpayer funding. If you observe an agency director or employee engaging in any activity which you consider to be illegal, improper or wasteful, please call the state Comptroller’s toll-free Hotline: Notifications can also be submitted electronically at: