Deb Barnett RN, MS, FNP-C HealthTeamWorks, Lakewood, Colorado Tracy Hofeditz, MD Belmar Family Medicine, Lakewood, Colorado Guest: Bruce Bagley, MD American Academy of Familly Physicians Colorado Medical Society/Specialty Society Systems of Care/Patient-centered Medical Home Initiative
On completion of this session participants/participating teams should be able to: Describe NCQA’s basic scoring mechanism for the 2007 PPC-PCMH™ Recognition Program. Identify their own practice’s NCQA PPC-PCMH Self-Assessment Score, including outstanding “Must Pass” elements, total points scored and self- assessed Level of Recognition. Articulate basic understanding of the proposed NCQA PCMH Recognition Program™ scheduled to be released in January Articulate a basic plan for next steps on working toward becoming a recognized Patient-Centered Medical Home, supported by resources provided for the practice during the seminar.
WHERE IT CAME FROMWHAT WE FOUND IT DOES Needed a tool for Residency Gap Analysis Short on time and attention Scoring complicated and a burden on practices Working through the “Standards” book created overwhelm Brief—only 30 items long Sets the stage for team discussion Orients team to NCQA PCMH requirements AND scoring in a single session Provides at-a-glance information about areas for practice to work on
Make selection here above the ruler 0%25%50%100% Workbook score
1. Enter percent from ruler here 2. Points will calculate 3. Cell highlight will clear with score >50%
Assemble yourselves in your teams What to do with solo participants? Appoint one team member as facilitator Appoint one team member to record scores Locate Project Management Workbook on flash drive Go through 30 individual Elements as a team and select answer to best of your knowledge Enter scores in workbook Faculty available for problem-solving/questions/keeping you on track Allow minutes for this activity We’ll call time and bring the group back together
NCQA PCMH 2011™ Special Guest: Bruce Bagley, MD Medical Director for Quality Improvement American Academy of Family Physicians
12 PCMH 2011: Link with Meaningful Use October 26, 2010 NCQA 2011: Raising the Bar PCMH 2011 is v 4 of NCQA practice level standards Increased requirements (yet maintained pathway for practices beginning to transform) Streamline requirements/documentation with greater focus on areas with strongest link to desired outcomes Move toward performance reporting/ benchmarking for clinical and patient experience measures Embed Meaningful Use criteria
13 PCMH 2011: Link with Meaningful Use October 26, 2010 Comparison of PPC-PCMH and PCMH 2011 PPC-PCMH (9 standards/30 elements) 1.Access and Communication – Processes – Results 2.Patient Tracking and Registry Function 3.Care Management – Continuity Between Settings 4.Self-Management Support 5.Electronic Prescribing 6.Test Tracking 7.Referral Tracking 8.Performance Reporting and Improvement – Measures of Performance – Patient Experience 9.Advance Electronic Communication PCMH 2011 (6 standards/27 elements) 1.Enhance Access and Continuity – Access – Medical Home Responsibilities – CLAS – Practice Team 2.Identify and Manage Populations 3.Plan and Manage Care – Identify High-Risk Patients – Care Management – Medication Management/E-Prescribing 4.Provide Self-Care and Community Resources 5.Track and Coordinate Care – Test/Referral Tracking – Coordinate with Facilities 6.Measure and Improve Performance – Measures of Performance – Patient Experience – Continuous Quality Improvement – Reporting
14 PCMH 2011: Link with Meaningful Use October 26, 2010 PCMH 2011 Key Components Access – Evening/weekend hours, agreement with facility for after-hours care Coordination of care – Information to/from specialists/facilities/patient, update care plan Team-based care – Defined roles and responsibilities, training, communication Role of medical home – Discuss roles/expectations for medical home and for patients Care management – Pre-visit planning, care planning during visit, patient self-care, point of care reminders – Medication management – Include mental health/substance abuse/behaviors affecting health Self-care management with community resources/referrals Identify/address population needs/risks Quality improvement – Performance measurement – Patient experience
Complementary Flash Drive Resource Index 1. HealthTeamWorks Project Management Workbook for the NCQA PPC®- PCMH™ Application 2. Expanded NCQA Standards & Guidelines for PPC®-PCMH™ 3. PPC®-PCMH™ NCQA Workbook by HealthTeamWorks 4. HealthTeamWorks Meaningful Use PCMH Gap Analysis 5. HealthTeamWorks PCMH Care Plan 6. Systems of Care PCMH Initiative Resource List 7. HealthTeamWorks PPC-PCMH Self-Assessment--Brief
What do you think? What are some of your next steps? What resources will you access? What is your timeline? Questions? Contact: Deb Barnett: Tracy Hofeditz: