Information and Communication Technology Mr P Mulholland St Joseph’s High School Crossmaglen
Information and Communication Technology ICT is being used more by manufacturers when designing, manufacturing and selling products. Through using modern technologies, companies are able to take all parts of the designing, manufacturing and selling processes to a new larger scale. This allows every part of the process to be undertaken worldwide.
ICT has improved the reach and range of electronic communications Reach – level of communication across a network Range – types of data transfer available
is the simplest form of electronic communication. has a low level of reach and range when used for messaging and transferring documents. It is used for rapid communications between designers, manufacturers, retailers and consumers because it is easy to use through an internet connection. has nearly replaced the postal system. There are some issues regarding security and the size of attachments. Copy Table 3.1, page 81.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) EDI is a new way for companies to do ‘paperless’ business using a process that transfers business documents through a computer network rather than by post. Many companies use EDI as a fast, inexpensive and secure system to send purchase orders, invoices, design and manufacturing data. EDI is used to send large CAD drawings around the world. To transfer files the sender and receiver agree on a standard document format. Copy Table 3.2, page 82.
Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Trading agreement between company and trading partner Decision made on: what standard to use info to be exchanged how and when info will be sent STAGE 1 Agreement STAGE 2 Sending a Document EDI translation software converts document format into agreed standard Translator creates the document in an electronic envelope and sends it to the mailbox required Document is retrieved from mailbox and the EDI translator opens it and translates the data from standard form to their applications format EDI translator ensures that dat sent by a company can be opened and used by another company
Integrated Services Digital Network (ISDN) and Broadband The development of ISDN and broadband allows huge amounts of information to be transferred across computer networks at high speed. The purpose of ISDNs to provide a fully integrated digital services to users to transport data through the existing telephone networks. ISDN means that the telephone network is digitised. This allows voice, data, text, graphics, music and video to be transmitted over telephone lines.
Local Area Networks (LANs) The internet is a global network that can be accessed from anywhere in the world. LANs are networks that operate over a smaller area. EG: – Single office – Office Block – A number of offices which are a few kilometres apart LANs are used to connect workstations together and access data through any workstation.
Example: Office Environment Workers can: – Log onto a machine and undertake work – Communicate with other workstations – Send s – Instant message each other – Share devices, e.g. printers, scanners An advantage of LANs is that they are faster to use compared to the internet as transfer data at a higher rate. As the system is local security is easier to maintain.
Global Networks The internet has opened up worldwide possibilities. Companies are able to keep in touch with its branches and associates anywhere in the world. Information is instant and available 24/7/365. A downside is that security is more difficult to manage and confidential documents could be hacked into.
Videoconferencing A video conference allows two or more locations to interact using two-way video and audio transmissions together. This means: – Communication is better – Decision making is speeded up – Need to travel for meetings is eliminated – Travel costs are reduced Videoconferencing system includes: – Video camera to capture images – Screen to view images – Microphones to pick up sound – Speakers to play sounds Data is transferred via internet by using ISDN or Broadband
Videoconferencing Two types of system: – Dedicated System- has all the parts packaged into a single console (unit), including a high quality remote controlled video camera – Desktop System- an add on to normal PC’s such as webcams, microphones and speakers which turns them into videoconferencing devices – Multipoint videoconferencing allows three or more locations to take part.
Videoconferencing Videoconferencing allows people to communicate face to face without the tremendous cost of accommodation and travel and time spent away from the office and home. Videoconferencing can be used in many applications: Marketing Presentations: – Marketers and manufacturers may not operate in the same country. – When a new product is launched it is important for the marketer to know how to present the product to persuade people to buy it. – VC provides the opportunity to see the presentations as they develop and enables instant opinions on their effectiveness. With the developments of ICT the cost of videoconferencing has reduced dramatically. Videoconferencing is a rapidly growing segment of ICT as hardware costs continue to fall.
Market analysis is an investigation of a market that will be used by a company when planning for the future. It is used to help with decision making. It can be used to: – Look at the available market – Predict expansion or contraction of market share – Predict expansion or contraction of workforce – Dictate how a new product is advertised/promoted Raw data for market analysis can be collected in the form of a questionnaire. Data is collected and processed using specialised software. Processed data is sorted and the company can interpret/investigate the results. From looking at these results decisions are made about the marketing plan and how to meet the needs of customers. MARKET ANALYSIS IS ESSENTIAL TO ENSURE THAT NEW PRODUCTS HAVE A COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE OVER COMPETITORS!!
To develop a specification a range of factors need to be considered: – Factors such as form, function, user requirements, performance requirements, materials, processes, scale of production and cost. In industry the process of developing a specification is extremely complicated and difficult. As a result computers are used to help produce a product specification. Information used includes: – Anthropometric data – Material limitation – Market research The computer will establish factors such as: – Components needed to make product – Materials required – Measurements – Construction info/data
Advantages: – Process is speeded up – Reduces the lead time (initial idea-market) for product – Information is stored on computer meaning the most up o date specification is always available for workers Specifications are used for: – Design specification – Manufacturing specification – Both of these can be computer generated Table 3.6, Page 85.
Automated Stock Control Just In Time JIT manufacturing is a system used by companies to reduce costs. JIT is seen to reduce waste in a company. JIT manufacturing is related to efficiency. A product is only manufactured when it is required. Producing products only when needed means quality and efficiency in manufacturing are improved. This can lead to higher returns for the company. New stock is only ordered when needed e.g.. when a stock level is reached. There is no over ordering which reduces storage space and reduces costs.
Example of JIT Car Manufacture Materials are only bought in for use in immediate manufacture. Process of manufacturing is smooth as the right amount of materials is delivered at the right time to be used in the manufacturing process. Turnover is rapid. Money tied up in raw materials and components (stock) is reduced. Vehicles are usually built to order. Reduces the problem of producing cars that will not be sold, reducing the risk for the company.
To manufacture a product it is important that all resources and the sequencing of tasks are allocated in the correct way to ensure efficient production. Computer based scheduling and logistics in production help make the process smooth and easy. Small issues should be fixed by the computer. Producing a production schedule will determine if a delivery promise can be met. It aims to maximise the potential of the workforce.
Flexible and easy to adapt if product or quantity changes. Minimises work in progress Minimises the amount of stock held Raises productivity (the ratio of output to inputs in production; it is a measure of the efficiency of production)
FMS are manufacturing systems that are set up to allow a company some degree of flexibility to allow it to react and make changes quickly to the manufacturing process. Changes might be predicted or unpredicted. Machine Flexibility – System’s ability to change to produce new products – Ability to change order of operations Routing Flexibility – Ability to use multiple machines – Ability to change such as capacity and capability
Improved productivity Quicker machinery set up times Lower labour costs Reduced down time on machines Production and productivity are increased
The main purpose of QRM is to reduce the lead time in all areas of manufacturing. QRM is seen by the client as responding rapidly in designing and making products customised to their needs. QRM is seen by the company as a way to improve quality of product and reduce costs.
Production Control In manufacturing all processes need to be undertaken accurately. Quality of work needs to be checked during manufacture. If problems are found they need to be corrected. In modern manufacturing factories production control is undertaken by computer. There are many ways to control production. However they depend on the sophistication or complexity of the software used. All involve monitoring and testing at various stages during production.
Production Control One method of quality control (QC) is coordinate measuring. A sensor connected to a computer comes into physical contact (touch) with the object being checked. A probe is used to check various parts. Original coordinates are known and as the probe moves the dimensions can be found and checked for accuracy.
Production Control A method for checking accuracy is an optical system. Advantages of this include: – No direct contact with product – Large objects can be checked – Quick response/results Visual inspection by humans will also need to take place in some cases. The problem is human error can creep in. Visual testing consists of random samples being inspected. However if the fault is detected too late in manufacture the product/part/component will have to be scrapped.
Production Control A way to increase sampling is to use intelligent cameras. They are programmed to view selected parts of the component/part/product and highlight any issues electronically. The camera will be connected to the computer. Advantage is that all components can be sampled as they pass the camera.
Advantages of Computer Aided Inspection Quality is measured throughout manufacture Inspection time speeded up compared to human testing Problem identified immediately and corrected Large objects can be tested/checked Information transferred to computer immediately and data is available instantly
Information needs to be used wisely by businesses to ensure they stay ahead of competitors. EPOS allows a business to supply and deliver its products faster by reducing time between placing an order and its delivery. Each product has a unique barcode. A barcode is read by a laser beam when passed over a barcode reader or scanner. The laser scans the barcode and reflects back onto a photoelectric cell. The bars are detected as they reflect less light than the background they are printed on.
Information regarding price is not included as this may have to be changed. The scanner will transmit the product info to an in-store computer and this will send the price to the till where it will be processed and printed on the till receipt. The in-store computer will deduct the sold product from the stock level.
2-D bar codes carry information in two directions: vertically and horizontally. 2-D bar codes are capable of holding tens and even hundreds of times as much information as 1-D bar codes. For instance, one of the most popular 2- D bar code formats, Denso Wave's QR Code, can hold more than 7,000 digits or 4,000 characters of text, whereas even the most complex 1-D codes top out around 20 characters. 2-D bar codes are also small and easy to scan. They can be used to permanently record a batch number which is useful for detecting defective products.
EPOS provides manufacturers with: – immediate account of transactions involving company products – Relevant data that can be used for sales/profit/market analysis – ability to monitor performance of all product lines- important in mass production to react demand quickly – accurate information for identifying buying trends – a stock control system that can provide real time stock updates – a stock system that ensures sufficient stock is available to meet customer demand.