By the end of this lesson, all of you will be able to: Define health and fitness Describe the health related fitness components Some of you will be able to: Identify examples of where these fitness components can be used when coaching / leading a sports session
Write down key words that relate to health, then use these key words to come up with your own definition Health is…….. “A state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and non merely the absence of disease or infirmity” As healthy leaders, we need to promote healthy, active lifestyle
There are different kinds of fitness. General fitness and specific fitness. General fitness means you’re healthy, and can do everyday activities without feeling too tired. For this you need the 4 S’s Specific fitness is needed in order to play sport at a high level. Good general fitness is also needed, but specific skills and components are needed Stamina, Strength, Speed and Suppleness A goalkeeper in football will need to be agile, like a gymnast will need to have good balance
There are 5 components in total: Cardiovascular Endurance Muscular Endurance Flexibility Body Composition Muscular Strength The ability of the heart, blood vessels, blood, and respiratory system to supply fuel and especially oxygen to the muscles. The range of motion at a joint and the ability of the muscles to stretch. The relative percentage of muscle, fat, bone and other tissues of which the body is composed. The ability to exert an external force or lift a heavy weight. The ability of the muscles to repeatedly exert themselves.
Plan a warm up that’s focus is based on health and fitness Things to remember: It can be based on as many of the components as you like Its only a warm, so only plan for 10 mins max Make your plan suitable for primary aged pupils (ages 7 – 10) Ensure school has the equipment you require before planning
By the end of this lesson, all of you will be able to: Identify and define the 6 components of skill related fitness Relate each of the components to a sport Some of you will be able to: Provide examples of drills / practices where you would use each component
We know that there are 2 types of fitness – general and specific. Specific fitness looks at individual skills we require to compete in sport The 6 main components are: Agility Balance Co-ordination Power Reaction Time Speed A way to remember – think of the alphabet A B C & P R S
To change direction quickly To remain stable To move accurately and smoothly To respond quickly How fast you can move Brute strength combined with speed
For each of the skill related fitness components, I would like you to write down an example of a sport / player that shows this component, and a skill where you would use it. E.G: You would use agility in Rugby when trying to get past opponents in order to score a try. A skill / exercise where you would show agility would be dodging drills / practices
Look at the following video’s and write down which components of fitness you think they relate to – health or skill??
Plan a session that looks at developing skills. It can be for a sport of your choice and a skill of your choice Things to remember: Pupils need to be improving the skill throughout the session It should last a maximum of 10 mins Make your plan suitable for primary aged pupils (ages 7 – 10) Ensure school has the equipment you require before planning
By the end of this lesson, all of you will be able to: Identify and understand the four principles of training Provide examples of how these principles can be incorporated into a coaching session Some of you will be able to: Use these principles in a session plan in order to meet the needs all of pupils
When looking at the principles of training, think RIPS Recovery is the time needed for you to repair any damaged muscles caused by physical activity. Rest is the amount of time you allow your body to recover. Individual training needs are required to match your individual level of fitness. Gradually increasing the amount of overload you do is called progressive overload. We overload our bodies in order to improve our fitness. Specificity is when you match the training to the skills / fitness components for an activity.
The best training programmes aren’t just thrown together at the last moment – they have to be carefully planned. Frequency: How often you should exercise Intensity: How hard you should exercise Time: How long you should exercise Type: What exercises you should do
1.) As you get fitter, your body will adapt to the training and your level of performance / competence will improve 2.) All training programmes need to be constantly monitored in order to ensure that the activities are providing the correct level of overload 3.) If you do not overload the body, your fitness levels will not improve and therefore you will not progress through your training programme
You can’t train really hard for 4 weeks and get super fit, then sit around eating cake and biscuits forever more. If you stop training, eventually you’ll lose all the fitness you have gained over a training period – i.e. it will reverse REVERSIBILITY: Any fitness improvement or body adaptation caused by training will gradually reverse and be lost when you stop training!