F.I.T.T.ness Power Point #1
Personal Fitness Why is it important? Most important aspect of life…Without health, there is nothing If our health is the most important thing in our life, then it is important that you have the opportunity to improve it! What is the only class in your school day that allows you to better your personal fitness? PHYSICAL EDUCATION
Leading Causes of Death (Which ones are affected by exercise?) Cardiovascular Disease Stroke Cancer Accidents Suicide Homicide Pneumonia/Flu Lower Respiratory Disease (Asthma) Alzheimer's
Causes of Deaths in United States for Selected Years Physical inactivity and poor lifestyle habits have caused an increase in the incidence of chronic diseases
Leading Causes of Death in the United States
Lifestyle as a Health Problem Over 50% of people who die in U.S. die because of what they do More than half of disease is lifestyle-related A fifth is attributed to the environment A tenth is influenced by the health care the individual receives Only 16% is related to genetics The individual controls as much as 84% of vulnerability to disease and quality of life 83% of deaths before age 65 are preventable
Categories of Fitness Components 1. Health Related Components 2. Skill Related Components
Health Related Components
Cardiovascular Endurance The ability of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs to supply oxygen and necessary fuel to the muscles during exercise. Activities that develop cardiovascular fitness are those which increase the heart rate in the target zone for a period of time without stopping.
Muscular Strength The ability of the muscles to exert a force. i.e., How MUCH can your muscles lift at one time? 1 rep max
Muscular Endurance The ability to efficiently use muscles over a longer period of time. i.e., How LONG can you lift for?
Flexibility The ability to move at the joints through the full range of motion (ROM). Stretching muscles gradually helps improve flexibility.
Body Composition The amount of body weight that is fat compared to muscles, bone, and other body tissue. Those with normal % of body fat are less likely to be ill, suffer from a poor body image, and die an early death.
Skill Related Components
Agility The ability to change the position of your body and to control the movement of your whole body.
Balance The ability to keep an upright posture while either standing still or moving.
Reaction Time The amount of time it takes to get moving once you see the need to move.
Coordination The ability to link various body movements together with your senses. It also includes moving two or more body parts at the same time.
Speed The ability to cover a distance in a short period of time.
Accuracy The ability to control the movement of one object toward another.
Which set of components should we be most concerned about when it comes to our well-being?
Health Related Components What are the benefits of obtaining optimal levels of Fitness?
Benefits of Fitness Stronger Heart Lowers cholesterol and blood pressure Reduces risk of cancer More Energy Reduces Stress Enhances Relaxation Boosts Self-Esteem Helps Depression
F.I.T.T. In order to increase health related benefits to physical fitness one must incorporate the F.I.T.T. Principle F - Frequency – How often I - Intensity – How hard T - Time – How long T - Type – What exercise
Muscular Strength
Cardiovascular Endurance
S.P.O.R.T. Principle S = Specificity Your body will adapt to the specific type of training performed.
S.P.O.R.T. Principle P = Progression Challenge your body’s ability gradually. Change at least one portion of the FITT principle Will decrease risk of injury
S.P.O.R.T. Principle O = Overload Greater then normal load (wt or reps) required to produce training effect.
S.P.O.R.T. Principle R = Reversibility If you don’t USE it, you will LOSE it. Fitness results don’t stay constant- must continually work. Also referred to as “Law of Use”
S.P.O.R.T. Principle T = Training Effect The adaptions our body makes to the stressors we place upon it.
6 Best Friends Good Looking I am! and funny you know me to be but no matter how perfect I seem I would be nowhere without my 6 best friends agility makes me quick and allows me to give the chicken salad to my opponent my coordination keeps me on the straighten narrow My power keeps me strong like bull My speed keeps my opponents next to me My balance gives me the ability to play karate kid But all this would be for not if reaction did not accompany me for he allows me to change my course as need be. So while I am funny and very good looking I wouldn't be me without my 6 best friends
All People Can Run And Be Super
My strong mother eats carrots everyday for breakfast cautiously.
Agenda for Tomorrow Thursday 9/5/2013 We will have a fitness day: dress and meet in squad lines in field house
YOUR TURN!!!!!! Create a Rap, Rhyme, Cheer, Acronym, Story, etc. to remember the Health Related and Skill Related Components of Fitness
Critical Thinking Choose one of the following and reflect on a notecard. What are your feelings about lifestyle habits that enhance health and longevity? How important are they to you? What obstacles keep you from adhering to healthly habits or incorporating new ones into your life?