Skill Related Health Components Ability to do strength performances quickly Power Ability to change the position of body quickly and control body movement Agility Ability to use your senses with other body parts Coordination
Skill Related Health Components ability to perform a movement or cover a distance in a short period of time Speed ability to keep an upright posture while standing still or moving Balance
Health Related Fitness Components Ability to use your joints through a full range of motion Flexibility ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time Cardiovascular Endurance Amount of force you can put forth with your muscles Strength
Health Related Fitness Components Ability to use the muscles many times without getting tired Muscular Endurance The percentage of body weight that is fat compared to the other body tissue Body Composition
Power = shot put, football, baseball Cardiovascular endurance = cross country, swimming, bicycling Coordination = kicking a soccer ball, hitting a tennis ball Speed = 100 yard dash, 50 yard swim Sports and Health Components
gymnastics cheerleading Flexibility cheerleading ice skating Balance Power Lifting Strength Soccer football Agility
How To Develop Muscular Strength Lifting heavy weights With low reps Muscular Endurance Lifting light weights With many reps Plyometrics Explosive jumping movements Jumping on ply boxes
Includes: abdominals, hips, hamstrings, lower back, and gluteus maximus Exercises: sit-ups, curl-ups, squats, power cleans, deadlift Fact: strong core reduces low back pain and injury AND Core Fitness Strong core improves health and skill related components of fitness
Warm up Before exercise At least 5 minutes Increases HR, prepare body for exercise Aerobic The series of exercise the last a minimum of 20 minutes Cool down Prevents blood pooling in your legs Stretch muscles Parts of a Work Out
F.I.T. Principle continuous minutes a day How long should you work out TIME 60-80% effort How hard will you work out INTENSITY 3 to 5 days a week How often should you work out F REQUENCY
Reps exercise executed in the proper manner one time Set recommended number of repetitions Routine a program of exercises Weight Room Terms
Fitness Test and Assessments Fitness Test 20/40 Pacer Dot drill Medicine ball tap Pods Cone hops Vertical jump Sit-n-reach Skill/Health Related Component Speed Cardiovascular endurance Agility Core endurance Balance Plyometrics Power flexibility
BFS Lifts and Muscle Core lifts Bench - Pectorals Squat - Glutes, quads, hamstrings Deadlift - Hamstrings, quads, glutes Powercleans - Quads, hamstrings, glutes, trapezius', wrist extensors & flexors Muscles Affected
Feet flat on floor Hips and back on bench Hands shoulder with apart on bar SPOTTER Behind the head of person benching with 2 hands in center of bar Proper Form Bench
Eyes focused on upper wall Knees directly over toes Athletic stance: feet shoulder distance, with feet forward Bar evenly resting on trapezius SPOTTER standing behind the person who is squatting Proper Form for Squat
Proper Form for All Standing Core Lifts Athletic and jump stance Straight back Use legs to lift Eyes focused on upper wall SPOTTER - Need one spotter
Reduce and prevent injuries Proper Form Important
To locate pulse: 2 fingers on wrist (radial) or neck (carotid) To find RESTING HEART RATE: take pulse at rest, in the AM before getting out of bed To determine MAX HEART RATE: 220-age Active Heart Rate = TARGET HEART RATE = optimal HR range for exercise benefits Heart Rate 101
Realistic and measurable When setting goals consider: Areas you are weak in Amount of time you have to reach goal (time frame) Benefits Goal Setting