Fiji Hockey Federation Planning Seminar 2008 Coaches Commission Report
Current Coaching Issues at National Level As a National Coach I discovered most players lacked the most basic of Hockey Skills. The players also showed a lot of weakness in their ankles and knees, and a significant lack of flexibility in their lower backs and thighs. Club, Age Group, and School Coaches need to concentrate on basic skills such as: As a National Coach I discovered most players lacked the most basic of Hockey Skills. The players also showed a lot of weakness in their ankles and knees, and a significant lack of flexibility in their lower backs and thighs. Club, Age Group, and School Coaches need to concentrate on basic skills such as: - how to correctly hold the hockey stick - how to hit and how to stop the ball on both sides of their body - how to receive the ball on the run on both sides of their body - how to hit the ball on the run - how to receive and protect the ball - creation and utilization of space - Goalies – very weak body strength, and slow reaction - Etc. It is also important that Coaches utilize Speed & Agility drills, and also use Reaction drills. This will help players develop the required strength and agility in their lower limbs, and speed up their reaction to play on the field.
Coaching Correction required Players need to be taught the basics from a young age Age group players need to be taught at a level that they can handle – utilize the FIH Development program for clubs. This will help get rid of the bad habits that players develop at younger ages Players need to be introduced to strength and conditioning exercises Players need to be exposed to overseas teams and games This will make the work at District and National levels much easier for the Coaches.
National & HPU Coaches Level 2/Level 3 - Advanced & High Performance Coaches Club Coaches Level 1 – Beginner Coaches Kaji Hockey & School A/Coaches Level 0 – Community Coaches Primary & Secondary School Coaches & Age Group Coaches Level 1 – Beginner Coaches Kaji Hockey & School A/Coaches Level 0 – Community Coaches National Age Group & District Coaches Level 2 – Development & Advanced Coaches District Franchise Coaches Level 2 – Development & Advanced Coaches Suggested Coaching Pathways
Community Coach – Level 0 Evidence of competencies can be shown at any level of hockey in Fiji, including Kaji, Primary and Secondary School Hockey, and modified versions of the game. Community Coach Competencies Manage Self 1. Organize necessary equipment for session/ games 2. Be appropriately attired for session 3. Demonstrate a positive attitude towards coaching Manage Athletes 4. Conduct sessions/ games to ensure fun and maximum participation 5. Demonstrate group organization and management 6. Manage any incidents that occur Manage Others 7. Work cooperatively with coordinators, parents/ guardians and other coaches and/ or teachers Manage Environment 8. Select a suitable area/ surface to conduct session
Beginner Coach – Level 1 Evidence of competencies can be shown at modified versions of hockey or club/ school hockey, and Age Group Hockey in Fiji. Beginner Coach Competencies Manage Self 9. Develop a coaching philosophy 10. Display proficiency of basic hockey skills 11. Plan and prepare for training sessions and matches 12. Display an enthusiastic and organized approach to coaching Manage Athletes 13. Teach basic hockey rules 14. Coach basic technical hockey skills 15. Instruct players in the basic requirements of playing positions 16. Conduct a training session and perform role of match day coach 17. Demonstrate positive and clear communication skills 18. Identify the needs and development of junior players as per the Junior Hockey Policy Manage Others 19. Communicate and work cooperatively with officials, parents, volunteers and administrators Manage Environment 20. Undertake measures to ensure a safe training session 21. Cooperate with other users of training/ competition facilities 22. Abide by the Coaches Code of Behavior
Development Coach – Level 2 Evidence of competencies needs to be shown at representative level or the higher levels of District/Franchise and National Age Group Hockey in Fiji as a minimum. Development Coach Competencies Manage Self 23. Identify communication methods applicable to coaching 24. Identify match playing styles and structures 25. Display an understanding of sports science theory/ practices and principles of training 26. Plan and prepare progressive training sessions to achieve identified objectives 27. Plan and prepare to achieve identified match objectives 28. Review training sessions and match coaching performance Manage Athletes 29. Conduct a training session and perform role of match day coach 30. Devise training sessions that are designed to meet identified objectives 31. Coach technical hockey skills and tactics (including goal keeping) 32. Instruct players in the requirements of playing positions 33. Modify training program to suit the needs & development of junior players 34. Promote enjoyment and satisfaction amongst players in an inclusive manner 35. Provide constructive feedback to individual players and team Manage Others 36. Apply a positive and cooperative attitude towards coaches, team management, officials, parents and spectators 37. Organize support personnel/ activities appropriate to the needs of training and competition 38. Identify and apply appropriate conflict resolution strategies 39. Ability to assess the practical competence of a lower level coach Manage Environment 40. Identify risk management strategies 41. Identify legal responsibilities 42. Detail the ethical responsibilities of coaches and demonstrate compliance
Advanced Coaches – Level 2/3 Evidence of competencies needs to be shown at the highest level of District and National competition or a National under-age championship in Fiji and Oceania as a minimum. Advanced Coach Competencies Manage Self 41. Identify and research match playing styles and structures 42. Identify specialist expertise and resources 43. Research and implement sports science theory/ practices and principles of training 44. Demonstrate effective presentation skills 45. Review training sessions and match coaching performances and implement changes required 46. Analyze team playing styles and structures and plan tactical responses 47. Display effective self-management skills 48. Establish a coaching network and knowledge base 49. Apply effective player/ people management skills Manage Athletes 50. Conduct a training session and perform the role of match day coach 51. Coach advanced technical hockey skills 52. Coach team playing styles and structures including tactical requirements 53. Identify and analyze the strengths and weaknesses of individual players 54. Motivate players to achieve short and long term objectives 55. Plan a long range coaching program for a squad (team) participating in an Under-Age Championship/ tournament or seasonal competition 56. Use video footage to provide feedback to players 57. Provide guidance and support to athletes regarding pathway involvement 58. Encourage and promote an inclusive environment
Advanced Coaches – Level 2/3 Manage Others 59. Manage support personnel 60. Select an assistant coach that compliments the coaching process 61. Identify and implement appropriate conflict resolution and negotiation strategies 62. Communicate and cooperate with tournament and/ or competition officials 63. Ability to assess the practical competence of lower level coaches Manage Environment 64. Identify and implement risk management procedures 65. Identify and implement legal responsibilities 66. Identify modern equipment and facilities and their implications for coaching 67. Outline the structure of Australian hockey 68. Comply with Australian championship rules to competently protect the interests of a team 69. Plan a detailed program for (during) a championship environment
High Performance Coaches – Level 3 Evidence of competencies needs to be shown at the Olympic Games or other major World Level hockey events. High Performance Coach Competencies Manage Self 70. Critically review existing physical and skills testing procedures at an elite level 71. Demonstrate a high level of report writing and record keeping practices 72. Observe and research styles, structures and tactics within international hockey 73. Display a high level of professionalism and integrity in the coaching role (including media and sponsor responsibilities) 74. Utilize and expand coaching network and knowledge base 75. Identify lifestyle management strategies that assist wellbeing and avoid burnout 76. Plan and implement a personal development program Manage Athletes 77. Conduct a training session and perform the role of match day coach 78. Design individualized training programs to meet specific needs of players 79. Analyze international team playing styles and structures and implement tactical responses 80. Coach technical hockey skills to an elite standard 81. Motivate players to achieve short and long term objectives 82. Plan an effective long range coaching program for individuals and a squad (team) participating at an international event 83. Adapt coaching and training program as required for elite men’s and women’s hockey
High Performance Coaches – Level 3 Manage Others 84. Direct and manage professional support personnel 85. Provide mentoring/ guidance to assistant coach 86. Interact and negotiate with tournament and/ or competition officials 87. Ability to assess the practical competence of lower level coaches Manage Environment 88. Outline the structure of the International hockey competition environment 89. Comply with FIH tournament rules to competently protect the interests of a team 90. Plan and implement a detailed program for (during) the world level championship environment
Coach - Updating Requirements Within 4 years of gaining an accreditation a coach should progress to the next level, or complete coaching related activities to gain updated accreditation. FHF needs to supply coaches with a Log Book in which they record their activities so as to be utilized for renewing or upgrading their levels. A Coach who is in-active or does not meet the required points for 2 years shall be dropped a Level, and will have to re-sit the Course to be upgraded back. A Coach who does not meet the requirements over the 4 years should be relegated to an “In-Active” Coaches list. Within 4 years of gaining an accreditation a coach should progress to the next level, or complete coaching related activities to gain updated accreditation. FHF needs to supply coaches with a Log Book in which they record their activities so as to be utilized for renewing or upgrading their levels. A Coach who is in-active or does not meet the required points for 2 years shall be dropped a Level, and will have to re-sit the Course to be upgraded back. A Coach who does not meet the requirements over the 4 years should be relegated to an “In-Active” Coaches list. Minimum Requirements Coaches should be required to record a minimum number of hours of coaching and self-development activity to maintain their Levels. “Coaching” means coaching a team at Club, District, or National level, and can also include coaching talented individuals in a HPU type environment. Minimum coaching time requirements are: Level 1 = coach a team over a 15 week season each year or 25 hours/year coaching individuals (100 hours over 4 years) 25 hours/year coaching individuals (100 hours over 4 years) Level 2 = coach a senior team over a 15 week season each year or 35 hours/year coaching individuals (140 hours over 4 years) 35 hours/year coaching individuals (140 hours over 4 years) Level 3 = coach a District, National Age Group, or National Team The minimum self-development requirements are: Level 1 = 20 points accumulated over the 4 year period Level 2 = 40 points accumulated over the 4 year period Level 3 = 50 points accumulated over the 4 year period.
Updating – Credit Points The purpose of updating requirements is to ensure that coaches remain active and update their coaching knowledge. Coaches are encouraged to select activities from the following lists for their personal development. Flexibility is allowed and where necessary coaches should seek prior agreement as to the applicable points for activities not listed. Coaching a Club or Representative team at a tournament or series of matches: Head Coach Assist Coach Head Coach Assist Coach City or District Junior 3 points 2 points City or District Senior 5 points 3 points District Under-Age Team 5 points 3 points District Senior Team 10 points 5 points Coaching a Squad in a Camp situation: Head Coach Assist Coach Head Coach Assist Coach Club or Junior 3 points 2 points District 5 points 3 points National 10 points 5 points Conducting High Performance National & International Courses: Olympic Solidarity Course 5 points Level 3 Hockey Course 10 points FIH Preliminary Course 15 Points FIH Final Coaching Course 20 points Umpiring Qualification: 3 points for each additional level gained
Coaching Accreditation Courses Coordinate a course (Max 1 per year) Level 1 Course 10 points Level 1 Course 10 points Level 2 Course 15 points Level 2 Course 15 points Lecture/Present at a course (Max 3 per year) Level 0 Course 2 points Level 0 Course 2 points Level 1 Course 4 points Level 1 Course 4 points Level 2 Course 6 points Level 2 Course 6 points Course Presenters Course (Max 1 per year) Coordinate Course 10 points Coordinate Course 10 points Attend Course 5 points Attend Course 5 points Attend Sports general activities First Aid Course 4 points First Aid Course 4 points Sports Trainer Course - Level 1 8 points Sports Trainer Course - Level 1 8 points - Level 2 12 points - Level 2 12 points Sports Science/medicine lecture/workshop 5 points
FHF Coaches, Managers, & Team Officials Code of Behaviour As a coach, manager or team official selected to represent Fiji Hockey Federation (FHF) in an event that is conducted or sanctioned by FHF, FIH, Oceania Hockey, or any other FIH affiliated body, you must meet the following requirements with regard to your conduct. 1. Treat all players with respect at all times. 2. Behave in a sportsmanlike manner at all times to other coaches, officials, players and spectators. 3. Place the safety and welfare of the players above all else. 4. Avoid situations that may lead to a conflict of interest. 5. Be courteous, respectful and open to discussion and interaction. 6. Make no detrimental statements in public in respect of the performance of any match officials or umpires. 7. Promote a climate of mutual support amongst the players. Encourage players to respect one another and their worth within the team. 8. Encourage and facilitate players’ independence and responsibility for their own behavior, performance, decisions and actions. 9. Determine, in consultation with the player, what information is confidential and respect that confidentiality.
10. Avoid situations with your players that could be construed as compromising. 11. Adhere to the Anti-Doping Policy advocated by FHF. 12. Provide a safe environment for training and competition. 13. Recognize individual differences in players and cater to these as best you can. 14. Make a commitment to providing a quality service to your players. Provide a training program which is planned and sequential. Maintain or improve your current Coaching accreditation, seek continual improvement through performance appraisal and ongoing coach education and be open to other people’s opinions. 15. Refrain from using obscene, offensive or insulting language and/or making obscene gestures which may insult players, officials or spectators. 16. Respect the rights, dignity and worth of every person regardless of their gender, ability, cultural background or religion. Note: The Tournament Director and/ or Event Coordinator are responsible for ensuring that the Code of Conduct is met at all times.
Items for FHF to address Kaji and Age Group Hockey – ensure that Coaches are suitably trained and qualified Run Level 0 and Level 1 Coaching Clinics every year – February/March the best time as it is the start of the season. We can run our own Level 0 and Level 1 courses for our Community and Beginner Coaches. Keep our own records of Coaching qualifications Ensure Coaches are monitored and continuously up-skilled as required. Create a “Coaches Log book” for coaches to fill in for their continued assessments We need to access specialist Goalie coaches Access funding and other assistance for the continued development and upgrading of our Senior Coaches- suggest following the Australian pathways. Courses are available online, and personnel can be assessed at the Pacific Cup each year.
Items for the future of players FHF needs to keep the players participating in overseas competitions. We have to participate in the World Cup and Olympic playoffs FHF needs to allow players to compete in overseas competitions FHF needs to source overseas teams touring NZ and Australia and try and attract these teams to Fiji