Study Abroad Tarleton State University Dr. Marilyn Robitaille, Director
Terrorism Natural disasters Disease Accidental Death Assault & Rape Drug Overdoes Kidnapping Suicide
Road accidents Robberies Drownings Depression Fires Disappearances Arrests Lack of familiarity Cultural incompetence Language issues Economic conditions
Study abroad is different from the home campus Greater risks Fewer resources Stressors Lack of usual support Drinking age usually lower
The Forum on Education Abroad NAFSA Texas A & M System Tarleton State University All set a standard of care that you owe your students, program, staff, colleagues, and institution. Negligence is the doing of something which a reasonably prudent person would not do, or the failure to do something which a reasonably prudent person would do, under circumstances similar to those shown by the evidence. It is the failure to use ordinary or reasonable care.
Identify Risk Analyze Risk Manage Risk Transfer Reduce Accept Tailor the program Plan for emergencies Protect students, faculty, program, and the university
Experiential learns Results oriented – focused on grades Team oriented Need structure and feedback Personalized learning – want flexibility Technologically savvy Uncomfortable with ambiguity
Student Disability Services Trina Geye, Math 201 Judicial Affairs Dana Moore, 105 Student Center
Poverty Poor sanitation Higher disease risk Underdeveloped infrastructure Irregular enforcement Political instability
Created by Marine Lt. Col. Jeff Cooper Wikipedia
Smart Traveler Enrollment Program
Have information together Record room numbers/hotel addresses for Risk Management Keep Log for de-briefing Communicate with CISI Abroad first Risk Management will contact CARE
The university prohibits the use or possession of alcoholic beverages on campus by any individual under the age of 21. See Tarleton State University SAP T0.01, Alcoholic Beverages on University Property. Further, the Tarleton Rules and Standards of Conduct also prohibit the unlawful use of alcohol by students at any time at any university activity. See Tarleton Rule T1, Drug and Alcohol Abuse Prevention, subsection 2.1. Texas A & M System General Counsel advises that regardless of the legal drinking age of the destination country, participants should adhere to Texas law.