Elspeth Slayter, Ph.D., Assistant Professor School of Social Work, Salem State University 1
Check-in & administrative matters Readings Assignment – extension by one week Guest lecturer: Tara Fitzpatrick (Social Science Librarian) Review of key concepts Discussion of process of evidence-based practice Discussion about assignment #1 2
Today (9/25): Material from Week 2 Next week (10/2): Materials from Weeks 3 and 4 New due dates: Assignment #1 due 10/16/12 And Assignment #2 due 11/20/12 3
Critical consumption of research Choose practice approaches Choose evaluation approaches Improve your critical thinking skills Explain research findings to your staff/team Understand what the process of Evidence-based practice REALLY means Ability to evaluate practice Determine process/outcome effectiveness Interact with consultants Work in a team Present information to your staff Function effectively in a data-driven and cash- strapped world 4
Agency assessment and identification of research question Annotated bibliography Full literature review and evaluation proposal 5
Suggested good online sources OTHER than what Tara just showed you… Information for Practice NIMH Publications NYAM Grey Literature report Child welfare information gateway Kaiser Family Foundation 6
Readings from textbook Reading on “NUTS”
What did you take away from class last week? 8
Two basic approaches to research? Research and evaluation? Process of evidence-based practice? 9
Qualitative: How, why Quantitative: Where, what, who 10
Research QualitativeQuantitative Program evaluation Process/formativeOutcome/summative 11
Did you happen to notice “EBP” talk in your work or field settings last week after class? 12
1. Formulate a question to answer practice needs 2. Search for the evidence 3. Critically appraise the relevant studies you find 4. Determine which evidence-based intervention is most appropriate for your clients 5. Apply the evidence-based intervention 6. Evaluate your intervention – feedback loop PROCESS of Evidence-Based Practice is different from Evidence-Based Practices themselves… may be easier to call them “Evidence-Supported Interventions” 14
Discussion of Pignotti & Thyer article: What is the problem area? What is a NUT? Why should we care about this article? How does this article relate to the Process of EBP? 16
We will be coming back to this article! Don’t expect to “get” everything today Trust the process! 17