Shakespeare Tabloid Project English II Pre-AP
Tabloid Project Condensed format on cover (title with few- word caption) All events have IMAGES and COLOR Entertaining; sensational/ scandalous material Interesting tabloid name and story headlines
Tabloid Cover Depict at least 3 major events from Julius Caesar Depict at least 3 major events from Julius Caesar Choose one thematic topic to tie all events together (Example: Women of Rome) Choose one thematic topic to tie all events together (Example: Women of Rome) On the front cover, each event must include: On the front cover, each event must include: 1 illustration 1 illustration 1 title 1 title 2-3 captions 2-3 captions NAME your TABLOID NAME your TABLOID Make it resemble an actual tabloid cover! Make it resemble an actual tabloid cover!
Tabloid Pages Each event must have its own article Each event must have its own article Each article must be at least 150 words. Each article must be at least 150 words. Each article must include: Each article must include: A brief explanation of the event (explain its WOW! factor) A brief explanation of the event (explain its WOW! factor) How the theme is illustrated in the event (paraphrase AND direct text) How the theme is illustrated in the event (paraphrase AND direct text) How this event impacts the entire play How this event impacts the entire play
Tabloid Project You must have a front and back cover and content pages You must have a front and back cover and content pages You must submit a hard copy as well as an electronic copy You must submit a hard copy as well as an electronic copy Remember your focus: theme/ characterization Remember your focus: theme/ characterization Due: April 12 th Due: April 12 th