We’re learning about...
learn about transport, and how different vehicles move. find out about how different vehicles move. how to build a moving vehicle. find out about different types of maps and journeys. find out about why we celebrate Chinese New Year. continue to learn letter sounds and blends and use these to read and write begin writing using correct letter formation continue to recognise, order, write and name numbers to 10 and beyond; continue to add and take away within the numbers 0-10 learn about patterns, position, weight and length build and construct with a range of objects and materials; use hands, tools and imagination when playing with the play dough. help your child learn letter sounds and practise their reading book every day, then write a comment in their read reading record. read a variety of books with your child help them write simple words and sentences with correct letter formation. talk about what your child has found out about our topic recognise, order, write and name numbers to 10 and beyond; add and take away within the numbers 0-10 and possibly beyond; bake and let your child help with making meals; play fun games that promote turn taking, counting on and playing fairly such as snakes and ladders. Please could we ask for a contribution of 50p each week to go towards the cost of baking and other activities. Please send this in an envelope to your class teacher. Thank you to those parents who have already done this. Please could your child bring a pair of wellies to school and a waterproof coat with a hood as we will be learning through play outside even when it is wet. Your child MUST have a PE kit in school every week. Please make sure you name everything, including jumpers, shoes, hats, scarves and gloves Check which day your child reads and make sure they have their reading record in school on that day (with words and books if they have them) We will be starting library again next week so please make sure your child brings their library book on alternate Tuesdays. Class 1 start on 11 th Jan and Class 2 on 18th Jan
Turn off TV + radio Listen + Add - listen to what your child says and add a bit more. ‘Wh’ questions really help. Home Language please - It doesn't matter what’s written - make up your own story. Remember to have fun! Praise your child! Talk together about your own experiences. Take turns telling the story to each other.