Habitat Hats! By: Cynthia Ponter
In-Class Collaboration Objectives/Assessment S: Science: Life processes and Living Systems; that some animals are extinct; that animals have a habitat and prey and predator relationships; that humans and animals are part of interdependent systems. The student will understand the food chain and key concepts (herbivore, omnivore, and carnivore). Grade Level 2 Contemporary Artist: Wyland
Objective/Assessment Cont. T:Technology: Research methods using computer based systems. E:Engineering: Art construction methods of design by making choices, hand building, and constructing a base habitat and animal form. A:Art: Design elements using shape, color, texture and form; methods of creating new information using creative problem solving and sculpting paper. M:Math: Methods in measurement addressing length, width, and circumference by measuring his or her own head to servce as a form for the hat habitat.
SOLS Standard 2.5: Living Systems The student will investigate and understand that living things are part of a system. Key concepts include A) living organisms are interdependent with their living and non living surroundings; B) an animals habitat includes adequate food, water, shelter or cover, and space; C) habitats change over time due to many influences; and D) fossils provide information about living systems that were on Earth years ago.
SOLS Geometry: Symmetry, Plane and Solid Figures 2.15 The student will A) draw a line of symmetry in a figure; and B) identify and create figures with at least one line of symmetry
Guided Practice Build a sample with the class Show how to make cut grass fringe Practice measuring, cutting and pasting
Lesson Sequence 1) Measure own head and add 2” 2) Measure a paper strip and add 2”; cut and staple the band 3) Brainstorming; sketch out and cut 4) Attach to headband 5) Decorate
Vocabulary with definitions Habitat- an ecological or environmental area that is inhabited by a particular species of animal, plant, or organism. Environment- encompasses all living and non- living things occurring naturally on Earth. Climate- the weather which is the present condition of these elements and their variations over shorter periods.
Vocabulary with definitions Predator- an organism that is hunting, and feeds on its prey. Prey- the organism that is being attacked by its predator.
Closure Inquiry Do we as humans live in a habitat? Describe, analyze, compare…
Rubric Habitat Hats! (15 Points) Proficient: Strong Evidence Partially Proficient: Some Evidence Missing/Late: Incomplete Shape/Fit: Does that hat fit and stand 5 Points: Hat fits over students head. 3 Points: Hat is too small or big for head. 0 Points: Student could not make a hat. Crafts/Design: Animal, color, environment 5 Points: Animal is present, use of color and included things in environment. 3 Points: Student only included animal in hat. Little color used. 0 Points: No animal present. Little or no effort to decorate. Animal Knowledge: Class discussion, prey or predator 5 Points: Animal is realistic and student can identify if it is predator or prey. 3 Points: Animal was made partially proficient. 0 Points: Student cannot identify animal and if it is predator or prey.
Early Finisher Activity Stand and create a food chain!
I collaborated with my partner Steph to create an oceanic habitat in which her killer whale eats my octopus. I free handed my octopus out on painted paper and cut him out. I also cut out smaller fish shapes as well as coral and a starfish and pasted it all around my habitat hat. I knew I wanted the octopus to move and pop out so I attached a piece of curved paper to my hat so the octopus would float. My Habitat Hat: Octopus