C OTTONWOOD E LEMENTARY Building Relationships Everyday!
I NTENTIONAL R ELATIONSHIPS Teachers intentionally greet each and every student as they enter the building every morning, by name. In fact, each student will have been said “hello,” or “good morning” to by over 4 staff members by the time they reach their classroom! Classroom teachers are outside of their classrooms also greeting the students as they enter. It makes for a VERY warm, and welcoming environment first thing in the morning!
“C OUGAR P AW ” A WARDS Students are recognized by staff members by nominating them for a “Cougar Paw” award. Those students’ names are read over the intercom and they meet with Mrs. Nelson in the Media Center, where each student’s story is shared with the others and they are recognized for their act of ‘good character’. All students are included in a photo that is displayed on the website for 2 weeks! It is a big deal to earn one of these awards and students are always very proud of themselves!
S ERVICE TO OUR S CHOOL Students raked, cleaned up trash, and pulled weeds together. Students also planted fall bulbs so that Spring will be beautiful around Cottonwood!
S EASON OF G IVING : P ART 1 Students and teachers helped to mix, stir, and “marshmallow” hot cocoa purchased by the student for.50. This happens every Tues. & Fri. before school during the month of December. All money collected was donated to the Open Door Mission.
S EASON OF G IVING : P ART 2 During the month of December students encouraged the rest of the school to donate new hats, gloves, scarves, and mittens, as well as, either new, or gently used, winter coats to be donated to the Open Door Mission as well. Students shared all of our donations at an assembly and presented the check to the Open Door Mission.
P OP TAB COLLECTION Students have started up a collection of pop tabs for the Ronald McDonald House. They will be able to visit the site later this Spring. Their goal of 15,000 was met so early they have raised it to 50,000! Students continue to share interesting facts and information with the other students about the Ronald McDonald House and its charity.
S TAFF A PPRECIATION Created by the 40 Asset Club members
D AILY POEMS, ANNOUNCEMENTS, & TREATS Hand written student notes were attached to treats and put in all staff members boxes all week! Students read poems and shared sentiments about educators over the morning announcements each day.
C OTTONWOOD STUDENTS ARE ENCOURAGED TO READ FOR FUN ! Students Earn T-shirts for meeting their goal! Their pictures are added to a wall of fame in the Media Center.
L EARNING TOGETHER : STUDENT MENTOR PROGRAM Average/strong readers in 4 th & 5 th grade are paired up with a 2 nd or 3 rd grader who could use extra support in reading. Mentors are trained in the morning, before school, in a lesson that they will use to teach their mentee after school.
C LASSROOM BUDDIES Grade levels are matched up with a buddy classroom. The buddy they are partnered with remains their buddy all year long. Weekly activities are planned and students often sit by their buddy during assemblies and/or programs.
R EMINGTON HEIGHTS PARTNERSHIP Each grade level participates in an activity with the seniors at Remington Heights. Seniors either come to Cottonwood or classrooms go there. Some activities include: 3 rd plays Jeopardy using Omaha Facts. K sings for seniors. 1 st presented plays. 4 th decorate placemats for holidays and invite seniors to attend the “State Parade.” Seniors are invited to attend our school’s Veteran’s Day Program.
C ONFLICT M ANAGERS Students that exhibit effective conflict management skills are selected, and trained, to act as “peer” Conflict Managers during lunch recesses for the younger grades.
C ANNED F OOD D RIVE Grade levels participate in a fun collection and sculpture making with canned foods. The food is then donated to the Omaha Food Bank.
F AMILY GAME NIGHT Fat Brain Toys helps us sponsor a family night where families can come play a variety of games together! They do have the option to buy games from Fat Brain Toys.