Dr. Harini Methuku Scientific College of Design 1
Specialized Art & Design College in Sultanate of Oman Initiated in 2004 Majors offered: Graphic Design Printing Graphic Design Digital, Interior Design, Fine Arts, Fashion Design (Arabic), Photography, Architecture, Animation. 2
Scientific College of Design is committed to academic excellence, student centeredness, and offers art & design education through practical and theoretical knowledge in an engaging environment. 3
Rationale SCD's top management belief on the importance of quality audit was the driving force behind our participation in the pilot study. 4
Ministry of Higher Education’s annual reports helped SCD in understanding areas we have improved as well as areas on which SCD needed to focus for further improvement. 5
Participation in the Pilot Study for Institutional Standards Assessment was a great experience in identifying strengths and weaknesses and was an asset in preparation for the real quality audit 6
OAAA assisted SCD by giving a full day workshop to the SC. OAAA designated an authorized person with whom SCD could communicate during the process for any clarifications/explanation. OAAA sent matters for clarifications, planning visit agenda and ISA visit program schedule to SCD prior to Planning meeting. 7
Spreading the "Quality Culture" was the first step to ensure dedication and participation from all employees in the self-study. Initiation process because the 1 st audit report in 2009 revealed SCD lacked written policies and procedures, detailed plans, documentation, involving stakeholders.… SCD initiated Steering Committee responsible for pilot study audit process. 8
Quality Assurance & Enhancement Unit conducted presentations/workshops to faculty, staff and students on - SCD policies, plans and procedures Basic information on panel members Guidelines for quality audit interviews Selection of SCD faculty, staff, students, alumni, board of trustees, employers for interviews Briefing Meeting to the interviewees 9
Steering Committee (SC) comprised of 9 members (academic and non academic staff members) who were responsible for each standard. QA&E unit developed a schedule and shared with the SC. SC met periodically to evaluate and study the gap areas as per the 9 standards set by OAAA. 10
SCD Steering Committee was expanded by forming subcommittee to identify: Areas of strengths Areas with on going improvements Areas in need of new approach Addressing the OAAA 2009 CAR (Commendations, Affirmations and Recommendations) and avoiding to repeat the same pitfalls were among the main goals of the SC. 11
SC was asked to draft a write-up on the criterion they were working and send to the QA&E unit Head. QA&E unit Head with the support of the Dean reviewed the submitted write-up. SCD Dean reported to the Board of Directors, and Board of Trustees on the effectiveness and achievements during the process. 12
Helped in identifying certain Standard and criterion which were “Not Applicable”. Understand and give realistic rating against each criterion and for the overall standard. Understand and get clarification on some of the misconceptions HEIs used to have on set standards. Audit visit also gave SCD an insight on the importance of documenting each and every event. 13
The preliminary check gave us more confidence as it gave us a clue that we were proceeding in the right direction. It lead us to review our approaches, drop some or develop new ones. It revealed approaches we had not foreseen earlier. We overcame difficulties that the pilot study report revealed. 14
Pilot study report helped to understand the immediate need to initiate certain new policies, procedures and plans. The process helped to know additional evidences which could be submitted with the ISAA. 15
It was an excellent experience to spread good practices and "Quality Culture" among SCD internal stakeholders from the Board of Trustee members to Freshman students. SCD continued its effort and dedication following the same process of forming a Steering Committee, identifying areas to be addressed, drafting SCD portfolio, collection of evidences…… It has been a long journey from 2009 OAAA audit visit report to making changes as per OAAA Institutional Standards and making our self ready to the big challenge. 16