Are you wondering how to treat an alcoholic person naturally? Alcoholism is a chronic disease, in which a person craves for alcohol. His resistance power to liquor becomes very less and as a result, he ends up in consuming it in excessive amounts, frequently. An alcoholic never realizes what harm he is causing his own self; forget about the effect of his alcoholism on his loved ones. Apart from damaging the liver and causing digestive disorders, alcohol is also harmful to the brain cells. Excessive drinking can also affect the heart, thereby causing heat disease. Treating an alcoholic person naturally is the best way to cure him. However, it is not an instant solution and might take days or even months to show results. Here are a few home remedies for treating alcoholism.
Family history of alcoholism History of mental illness Peer pressure Stressful situations or a big life change Social and cultural factors, like keeping up with the trend, luring advertisements, etc Genetic factors Emotional status, such as high levels of stress, anxiety or emotional pain Psychological factors, such as low self esteem, depression, etc Relationship and social changes Using alcohol as an escape Constantly using alcohol to mask physical/emotional pain Lack of impulse control Enjoying the "feeling" that alcohol gives you and wanting to drink more and more to achieve that "feeling" Change in brain chemistry, over time, due to alcohol abuse Abuse of alcohol over an extended period of time PSTD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder)
Excessive alcohol consumption Making excuses to drink Denial of drinking problem Feeling annoyed when criticized about drinking Keeping and hiding alcohol in unlikely places Drinking alcohol first thing in the morning, to avoid hangover Showing aggressive behavior while drinking Driving under the influence of alcohol Solitary drinking Unexplained mood swings Missing work Losing interest in social activities Paranoia, unnatural fears or contemplation of suicide Neglect of physical appearance
Impaired memory, forgetting what happened during drinking episodes Depression Difficulty in thinking clearly Confusion Irritability Eating disorders Lack of appetite Sleeping disorder Anxiety Abdominal pain Nausea Vomiting Redness and enlarged capillaries in the face (red eyes, puffy face) Weakness and numbness in the arms or legs
The best treatment of alcoholism comprises of an exclusive diet of grapes for a month. Alcoholics can resort to consuming apples, in large quantities, in order to remove the intoxication from their body. This would prove beneficial in treating alcoholism. Another option is to rub 4 to 5 dates in half a glass of water. Drink this concoction twice a day. It would act favorably in treating alcoholism. Take out the juice of the leaves of bitter gourd. Have three teaspoons of the juice, with one glass of buttermilk, every morning, on an empty stomach. This will be effective in treating alcoholism. A healthy body is the precursor to good resistance power. Alcoholics should be given a healthy and nutritious diet, consisting of wholegrain cereals, nuts, seeds, sprouts, fresh fruits and vegetables. It would help avert the longing for stimulants like alcohol. This would, in turn, treat alcoholism.
Drinking fruit or vegetable juices and having candies or snacks, especially at the time of longing, will help curb the craving for alcohol. Another way to treat alcoholism is to intake half a glass of raw celery juice, mixed with an equal amount of water, once in a day. Keep repeating this for at least a month. Carrot juice helps reduce the urge to consume alcohol. Having a glass of carrot juice, whenever there is an urge to drink, will prove helpful in treating alcoholism. Lemon juice and orange juice have also been found helpful in preventing the yearning for alcohol. Drink one glass of each, on a daily basis. Banana is another food item that has been found beneficial in treating anemia. Have at least one on a daily basis.