Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 1 Quo vadis VGGT? Monitoring and learning for their successful implementation Charlotte Beckh, Elisa Gärtner, Jes Weigelt IASS - Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies Presentation at the 2016 World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty March 14-18, Washington DC
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 2 Our question: What are possible monitoring dimensions to assess whether land governance is based on human rights and realizes tenure security (as laid out by the VGGT)? Our approach: Analysis of existing monitoring proposals through the lens of the human rights advocacy triangle
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 3 Conceptual underpinnings Translation of rights from law into practice – the „triangle“ of human rights advocacy Norm setting -Defining the substance -of the right -Incorporating the right into law and policy Norm acceptance -Changing people‘s values and behaviors to reflect the right -Engaging people in law making and implementation Norm enforcement to assure enjoyment of the right -Empowerment of rights holders to hold institutions accountable and claim justice -Responsiveness of institutions Human rights advocacy
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 4 Analysis of selected monitoring frameworks VGGT relevant perspectives Frameworks from IGOs and civil society About Human rightsOHCHR - HRFramework to monitor human rights FAO - RTFCriteria for monitoring the right to food CESR - ESCRFramework to monitor economic, social and cultural rights Land governanceWB - LGAFDiagnostic tool for evaluating land governance at country level GLTN - GLIIProposed list of land indicators LPI – F&GPrinciples for tracking land policy development and implementation FIAN - VGGT toolPractical tool for monitoring land governance based on VGGT CSOs - VGGTSet of criteria for VGGT monitoring … through the lens of the „triangle“ gain insights for VGGT implementation
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 5 Structure Process Outcomes Human rights principles OHCHR - Human rights CESR- Economic, social and cultural rights Policy efforts Resources Outcomes Assessment Human rights principles Content of the right State obligations Human rights principles FAO – Right to Food Outcomes Process Structure
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 6 Land use planning, management and taxation Management of public land Public provision of land information WB – LGAF Dispupte resolution and conflict management Legal and institutional framework Land tenure security Land disputes Land administrationLand use GLII – Land indicators Policy implementation conform with initial design Effectiveness of use of resources Coherence and consistency of land policy Objectives of the land policy are achieved Implementation benefits are sustained Effects on beneficiaries and natural resources LPI – F&G
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 7 Legal and institutional framework Human rights Principles VGGT Processes of policies, activities, projects Vertical accountability Outcomes FAO/FIAN – Civil society perspective on VGGT monitoring Legal recognition and allocation of tenure rights and duties Responses to climate Change and emergencies Administration of tenure Transfers and other changes to tenure rights and duties Rights and responsibilities Policy, legal, organiziational frameworks Delivery of services FIAN – VGGT monitoring Human rights Principles VGGT Structure Process Outcome
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 8 Norm setting Substance of HR & VGGT incorporated in legal, policy, instituational frameworks Norm acceptance -Behavior and value change -Participation Norm implementation & enforcement -Structures (admin, courts) -Empowerment of rights holders -Capacity of duty bearer (state) -Existence, efficiency, effectiveness Outcomes Results of efforts Human rights Principles VGGT Possible monitoring dimensions Complementarity of monitoring proposals – content & approach – 4 monitoring dimensions to support VGGT implementation For rights holders, change expresses in the dimensions of norm enforcement and de facto outcomes
Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V.Quo vadis VGGT? 9 Thank you for your attention! Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies e.V. Berliner Straße 130 D – Potsdam Web: Contact: Charlotte Beckh Research Associate