ISA Change Management Group Welcome and introductions Domestics Workshop Objectives Any Questions?
Workshop Objectives To provide an update on the ISA agenda: –ContactPoint – CAF –Lead Professional and –Service Directory Projects Update on ISA Project Structure Agree membership and terms of reference for the Change Management Group Identify the key contacts for sub-groups Devise a matrix of teams and level of engagement with projects Update and progress on workforce analysis Update on Lancashire Continuum of Need Update and consult on CAF training plan
Common Assessment Framework and Lead Professional
The Children Act 2004 CAF and Lead Professional are key elements of the Every Child Matters agenda. Guidance is available to support Local Authorities and Key Partners in meeting requirements of Sections 10 (the duty to cooperate) and 11 (the duty to safeguard and promote the welfare) of The Children Act 2004.
Outcomes for children & young people Integrated processes CAF and Lead Professional Outcomes: Be healthy Stay safe Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Economic well-being
Information Sharing and Assessment Lancashire position ISA Steering Group ContactPointCAF/Lead Professional Children’s Services Directory
Definition CAF is a shared assessment tool for use across all children’s services in England. It helps early identification of needs of children and young people and promotes co-ordinated approach on how those needs should be met. Common Assessment Framework
The CAF is a process for: recognising the signs that a child may have unmet needs developing a child/young person’s centred and holistic approach to assessment of needs recording information using the CAF form and, with consent, sharing information developing appropriate and timely support plans What is the CAF process?
Lead Professional Definition The Lead Professional (LP) is someone who takes the lead to co-ordinate provision and be a single point of contact for a child and their family, when a range of services are involved and an integrated response is required.
Vision and functions of lead professional Core Functions Vision: All children and young people with additional needs who require support from more than one practitioner should experience a seamless and effective service in which one practitioner takes a lead role to ensure that services are co-ordinated, coherent and achieving intended outcomes Reduce overlap and inconsistency in the services received Act as a single point of contact for the child or family Co-ordinate the delivery of actions agreed by the practitioners involved
Update Project manager in post Project initiation document agreed Project Structure agreed Project Plan agreed Developed Continuum of Need Agreed training plan Developed communications plan Developing CAF procedures and implementation plan Partner engagement eCAF announcement
Susana Carvalho CAF Project Manager
Information Sharing & Assessment Children’s Services Directory (CSD)
The Children’s Services Directory It is an online information resource for children and young people, their families and practitioners in Lancashire. Designed to enable users to research services across Lancashire with links to regional and national providers in the statutory, voluntary and private sectors
Why is a CSD Necessary? Childcare Act 2006 makes it’s a legal requirement Part of the wider Information Sharing Agenda Increase Accessibility to information –Web, Phone, Face to Face Provide more comprehensive service information to customers Improve the quality of information provided Children’s Trust Arrangements
The future of the CSD? Scoping exercise being undertaken by the Customer Contact Centre, Change Team CSD Project Group Evaluation Further development – Phases 2 & 3 Ongoing Maintenance Accessibility
Irene Shaw, Policy Development Officer ISA Telephone:
What is ContactPoint? The quick way to find out who else is working with the same child or young person, making it easier to deliver more coordinated support and improve outcomes for children. It will be available to authorised staff who need it to do their jobs. It will store very basic information for all children living in England – no case information. It will be a national system to enable a more complete record for a child who accesses services in more than one local area.
ContactPoint Benefits More effective service delivery and intervention More timely response to needs Increased productivity and effectiveness Better identification of children not receiving universal services Better management information – planning service delivery Children, young people and families Able to quickly see who else is providing services to a child Reducing time spent on admin frees up time to focus on service delivery Reduction in number of duplicated referrals Practitioners Managers Reduced number of repeat assessments and referrals
Information held CONTACTPOINT WILL NOT HOLD CASE DATA OR ASSESSMENT INFORMATION Child’s Name Parent(s)/Carer(s) Contact Details Gender General Practice Contact Details Date of Birth Address Youth Worker Contact Details Social Worker Contact Details SENCO Contact Details BASIC DEMOGRAPHICS UNIVERSAL SERVICES ADDITIONAL INVOLVEMENT examples CAF Indicator Education/School Contact Details Sensitive Service Contact Details Lead Professional Contact Details Unique Identifier INDICATORS
ContactPoint Update IT Project Manager in Post Regulations approved in force 1 st August 2007 ISA Workshops Consultation on Draft guidance Draft Project Plan with ISA Steering Group for approval Local Data Quality Tool being used CMS Analysis
Stephen Lees ContactPoint IT Project Manager
Workforce Development
Workforce Mapping Purpose –Minimum data set –ContactPoint Areas of Interest –Job role –Gender profile –Age profile –Ethnicity –Disability –Volunteers –Training & Qualifications –Absence & hard to fill posts
Mapping Results Work in progress Estimations and projections Next steps How you can help Training –Common core –Common induction –Integrated Qualifications Framework
Stakeholder Map
ContactPoint Case Management System Analysis
ContactPoint CMS Analysis What is CMS Analysis Who does it What has to be done Why does it have to be done Progress Next Steps
ContactPoint CMS Analysis What is CMS Analysis Case Management System ICT System that records what work is done ContactPoint Pre-Deployment activity from the DCSF 28 question questionnaire
Who does it SectorSub-SectorExamples HealthSHA NHS Direct Health Protection Agency A Strategic Health Authority. A Special Health Authority, so far as exercising functions in relation to England, designated by order made by the Secretary of State for the purposes of Section 11 of the Act(4). Health PCT (incl. GPs) Acute Trust Care Trust Mental Health Trust Ambulance Trust. e.g.. Midwives, health visitors, school nurses etc. Health Non trust affiliated healthcare professional Local AuthoritySocial CareChildren’s Services (ICS) Local AuthorityEducation Pupil records, Looked-after Children, Education Psychology, Education Welfare Officers Local AuthorityChildren’s ServicesTraveller Units, ASBAUs, Children’s Services Other Local AuthorityEarly Years Children's centres, LA-funded nurseries Other Early Years Provision e.g.. private nurseries Local AuthorityConnexions OtherEducation Independent school Academies OtherEducationNon-maintained special school OtherFurther EducationFE College OtherVoluntary / Charitable OrganisationsLocal voluntary organisations Local AuthorityOtherLA Housing Department, ALMO OtherHousingRegistered Social Landlords, Housing Trust OtherFire & Rescue ServicesFire and Rescue Authority OtherPoliceMetropolitan Police, Local Constabulary
ContactPoint CMS Analysis What has to be done Contact within Partner organisation for CMS Set up on LARA (DCSF website) Answer 28 simple online questions about the CMS
ContactPoint CMS Analysis Why does it have to be done Required to send data to ContactPoint Gather a picture of the systems out there Provide valuable input to National Team Helps us locally to plan implementation
ContactPoint CMS Analysis Progress 7 partners on LARA 5 completed questionnaires (YOT, East Lancs PCT, CSC, Education, Youth and Community) Fire, Police and Connexions covered by other LAs Behind schedule Lots more to go, approx 20 not including schools.
ContactPoint CMS Analysis Next Steps: If your on the list let me know your IT Systems contact. Asking for other possible organisations (voluntary, Non trust affiliated health care etc.)
Stephen Lees ContactPoint IT Project Manager
ISA Workshops September 10 th 1.30pmWoodlands 11 th 1.30pmWellington Park 13 th 9.30amWellington Park 14 th 9.30amWellington Park or on