BY: NILAN CHOWDHRY “Is a Computer Career for me?”.
Identifying the Problem A job involving using computers Is a career using computers right for me? Do I wan to work with technology Am I a hands on worker? Being able to quickly solve problems Am I comfortable with working with computers
Analyse the Problem Known FactsAssumptionsThings I don’t Know I'm very passionate about computers, coding, and coming up with my own creative programs/video games Job pay well Salary There are many jobs related involving computers, and they are in high demand I have to sit for a long period of time What type of work will I be doing I’m very good with math and I have a creative mind Work long hours Am I working on hardware or software Some of these jobs might require hands on work I get breaks and holidays Hours of work I learn very fast, and give it my all whenever doing projects /assignments Need to have some sort of computer science degree Certain skills and education for different jobs
Algorithms Research about jobs that require the use of computers List pros and cons of job Ask friends or family who work in the computer field about their job Read articles about different jobs Watch videos about the job Take computer courses at/outside of school Take co-op courses and get a placement at a job which requires the use of computers so you get a hands on experience. Also I can take a online quiz to see weather this is a career right for me
Prioritize My ideas For this I have went online and researched all about careers relating back to computers. I took the pros and cons for each of them to determine wheatear or not if a computer career is right for me. I chose to do this because I don’t know anyone that has a computer related job and it would be easy for me to research different careers. This way I can look at the salary, description, pros/cons and even people’s experiences
Web Developer JobProsConsRequirements Web Developer -Build and maintain websites -Determine technical requirements for websites -Employed by companies, organizations and institutions that have websites or intranet sites or are self employed -5-day, 40 hour work week -Can be self employed Good salary ranging fro 20k to 100k -Some risks of headaches and eye, neck, shoulder and wrist strain -Over Time work is sometimes necessary -Long hours on a computer -Strong Math skills -Communication skills -Being a creative person -Work well as part of a team -Responsible by keeping up-to-date with changes in computer technology -Some sort of university/collage program relating to web design
Video Game Developer JobProConsRequirements Video Game Developer -Write the computer code that controls gameplay -Employed by video game production companies or are self employed -May travel to attend conferences Work from home or workplace -Interact with programmers, artist, project managers, and others -Long work hours 9-10 per day and weekends Lower salary 30-90k -Must attend a university/collage to obtain your computer science degree -Being Creative -Have knowledge of current video games --An understanding of popular culture, entertainment and technology -Marketing and business are helpful
Computer Engineer JobProConRequirements Computer Engineer -Computer engineers are responsible for designing, developing, implementing and testing computer-based hardware and software. Comfortable work environment Employable in many different industries Hands on experience Good salary 50k-100k May have to travel Limited job growth May need to continue education Requires long work hours A lot to learn in little time -Good Reading Comprehension Skills -Good at problem solving -Good Speaker -Strong writer -Good math and science skills -Bachelor's degree in computer science, computer engineering or a related field
Conclusion After carefully looking at different jobs that involve computers, I do believe that this career path is for me. Looking at my attributes as a person I have many of them such as having and even some programming skills. In the future I need to develop my coding skills and get my degree in computer scienceIn conclusion, I can definitely see myself in the future sitting behind a computer. I enjoy solving problems as well as working with computers. Therefore a computer career is definitely for me.
What Career is Right for Me Out of all the computer related careers I’ve looked at being a video game developer is the career for me. I love playing videogames and being able to design and come up with my own games would be a dream. This job pays well, and I meet many of the attributes that are recommended for this career. I also could get hired by big name companies who create some of the biggest video games in the world.
Works Cited helor_of_Science_(BS_%2F_BSc),_Computer_Engi neering_(CE)/Salary helor_of_Science_(BS_%2F_BSc),_Computer_Engi neering_(CE)/Salary hardware-engineers/skills/ hardware-engineers/skills/