Water Pollution Any chemical, physical, or biological agent that enters water and negatively impacts the water quality and the water ecosystem.
Sources of Pollution Point Source Pollution - Pollution from a single source. -The source of pollution can be identified easily Ex: leaking septic tank, unlined landfill, leaking oil tank, water discharged from industry, etc. Nonpoint Source Pollution - Pollution from many different sources. -The source of pollution is difficult to identify. Ex: farm waste into a stream, road runoff into a storm drain, boats leaking oil.
Point vs. Nonpoint Sources
Pollutants in the USA Septic tank systems Salt on roads for bad weather Storage lagoons for polluted waste Highway construction & maintenance Storm water runoff, including – oil, antifreeze, dog feces, trash Landfills Pesticides from croplands Underground storage tanks for oil, gasoline, etc.
Wastewater The water that contains wastes from homes and industries (toilets, sinks, tubs, showers, etc.) & gets treated at a waste treatment plant. Toilet Trip
Artificial Eutrophication Water becomes eutrophic when it contains too many nutrients. Decay occurs and uses up oxygen. As oxygen decreases, the types of organisms that live there changes. Artificial Eutrophication happens when humans add excess nutrients (phosphorus & nitrogen) to the water from fertilizers running off of lawns and gardens. Results in algal blooms
Thermal Pollution Occurs when the temperature of a body of water increases. Happens when power plants & other industries discharge warm water into a lake or ocean after using it for their cooling systems.
Groundwater Pollution Any pollution of the surface water in an area can effect groundwater.
Water Pollution & Ecosystems Pollutants can immediately damage an ecosystem and kill things living in the water. Biomagnification occurs when pollutants build through a food chain. The amount of the pollutant increases at higher levels of the food chain.