Short Stories Unit Portfolio Presentation Ethyl Grace A. Namuag Christy Marie L. Navarro
Unit Summary Literature represents a language or a people: culture and tradition. But, literature is more important than just a historical or cultural artifact. Literature introduces us to new worlds of experience. We learn about books; we enjoy the comedies and the tragedies of poems, stories, and plays; and we may even grow and evolve through our literary journey with books. It is through reading such great literary and poetic works, that one understands life. They help a person take a closer look at the different facets of life. In many ways, it can change one's perspective towards life. And finds connections between the book and the outside world. Connects the reading to things in their own life, other people, other stories or books, happenings at school, or similar events from other times and places. Shares their connections with the group and asks for comments from the group.
Curriculum-Framing Questions Essential Question Why is it important to study literature? Unit Questions How does literature meet the interest of the students? Why do we read literary works? Content Questions What are the elements of the literature?
Project Approaches Students construct meaning as they comprehend, interpret, analyze and respond to literary works. Students recognize and evaluate how language, literary devices, and elements contribute to the meaning and impact of literary works. Students reflect upon their literary experiences and purposefully select from a range of works. Students interact with print and non-print literary works from various cultures, ethnic groups, traditional and contemporary viewpoints written by both genders. Students use literary works to enrich personal experience and to connect to the broader world of ideas concepts and issues. The students will present a documentation of the story that they have chosen through power point presentation.
21 st Century Learning Collaborating with peers Analyzing the stories Read the story and identify, from memory or rereading the text, the setting, main character, minor character, and plot. Communicating with others through giving feedbacks
Gauging Student Needs Assessment Purpose of the Assessment To gather information about what students already know and what they wonder about short stories. What I want to learn from my students? I want to find out what they already know about the Unit Questions and what they know about the elements of literature. How I have tried to promote higher-order thinking? I ask students to make their own short story and make reflections.
Gauging Student Needs Assessment How the assessment information helps me and my students plan for upcoming activities in the unit? If the students experience discouragements and hardship, I can provide short stories that will encourage them. If the students will have the difficulty of identifying elements of literature, I can discuss and have individual consultations in class. What feedback or additional ideas I’d like? Need help assessing students’ higher-order thinking skills. I need some strategies so that it is easy for the students to understand the short stories without having individual consultations.
My Goals Read different short stories that will motivate my students. Find ways to get my students to do more higher-order thinking. My students will create their own short story.
Have A Nice Day! God Bless!