Green Construction -- Physics in Action How do we design an energy efficient building?
Concept Terms - temperature, heat, heat transfer, specific heat capacity, density, conduction, convection, evaporation, condensation, radiation, conductors, insulators, thermal equilibrium
The Design Cycle INVESTIGATION STAGE: How does your home use energy? What are important energy efficient architectural features and attributes for homes? How about the ASD building? What are the architectural features of an energy efficient building? Investigating concepts in the laboratory
Activity 1:Home Energy Checkup Go to the following website
Lab Investigations and Sample Student Work Windows Insulation Color light bulbs Solar Ban 70XL (Product Construction)
The Collaborative Wiki
Design Cycle, continued PLANNING STAGE: -Research on assigned feature -Take pictures, draw sketches, take measurements of the EMU building - Present results of assigned feature -List your design specifications -Plan on the modifications you will do to the EMU building
Design Cycle, continued CREATING STAGE: Use Google SketchUp to draw the remodelled exterior and one major room of the EMU building (by partners), label the energy efficient features, present your final SketchUp outlining all the changes you have done, estimate the cost of remodeling, and project the energy savings over a period of time. EVALUATION STAGE: Evaluate your performance at every stage of the project, visit an energy efficient house, and evaluate your remodeled home in comparison to the model home.
SketchUp example
Cost Analysis example