Close Reading Strategies BARRIE
09/03/ TYPE 1 – STRATEGIES ‘What 4 things do you do while you read to help you understand the text?’ – 118 seconds Purpose of Stories? TO TEACH US!
Sometimes reading is HARD!! What the heck are they talking about in this story? Why did it start in the middle? What are all these new words? Who is this character? Purpose of Stories? TO TEACH US!
I’m going to teach you some skills on how to become a stronger reader! BUT IT TAKES WORK. SKILLS!!!!
FIRST READING ANALYZE this PICTURE -Make note of as many Details as you can!
SECOND READING ANALYZE this PICTURE -Make note of as many Details as you can!
1.Number paragraphs 2.Circle unknown words or phrases. Underline important information. 3.Chunk the text Strategies, in order
1.Number paragraphs 2.Chunk the text 3.Circle unknown words or phrases. Underline important information. 4.Reread, and summarize each chunk in the LEFT MARGIN. 5. Write what the author is DOING in the RIGHT MARGIN (theme, imagery, arguing, comparing..etc.) 6. Answer any focus questions Strategies, in order
●In fiction and nonfiction, you will see multiple paragraphs. ●Be sure to number each paragraph at the indent. ●When working with poetry, number each line (if under 10 lines) or each stanza (if over 10 lines) 1.Number the Paragraphs
●Skim and scan the entire piece for any words or phrases that are unfamiliar to you ●Circle the unfamiliar words/phrases ●Ask a partner, if applicable, or check a dictionary to determine meaning if context clues cannot help you ●Annotate the meaning in the margin near the word/phrase 2. Scan for unknown & important words/phrases
●Chunk the text by drawing a line under a group of paragraphs or sub section that all has a related topic ●When reading fiction, try to chuck the text by the plot (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution) ●When reading nonfiction, chunk by subheadings or subtitles. 3. Chunk the text
●Summarize each chunk of text in your own words- aim for 1-3 sentences ●Summaries should be written in the margins near the chunk or on a separate piece of paper, labeled accordingly ●Annotating with summaries allows you to reflect upon your comprehension later on. MAKE SUMMARIES MEANINGFUL! 4. Reread/Summarize on LEFT
●Those important words and phrases you underlined? Write what you think the author is trying to DO or TEACH US by including that information. ●Look for, and label, LITERARY DEVICES. (THEME, PLOT, CHARACTER, IMAGERY, FIGURATIVE LANGUAGE, SYMBOLISM…etc.) 5. DISCOVER MEANING on the RIGHT
●While reading, there should always be one or a few focus questions that give purpose ●Be sure to think about these questions through each step of close reading! ●Answer the questions based on what you read, with textual evidence somewhere on the bottom or back of the text. ●Remember to use full sentences! 6. Answer Focus Questions
●Close reading should only be used for short articles or stories (ideally 1-2 pages) ●Each step must be followed in order. ●If you are reading a piece and know all words/phrases, acknowledge this at the bottom of paper (no unknown words/phrases) Reminders
INFERENCE – figuring something out based on the evidence/information you have. What can you INFER? -You hear screaming. -You see a lot of people. - You smell cotton candy and popcorn. INFERENCE & OBJECTIVE SUMMARY
OBJECTIVE SUMMARY OBJECTIVE: Without your personal FEELINGS!!! Objective / Subjective? The Hunger Games was a stupid movie about a crazy lady who tried to fight the government. The movie was set in an unrealistic future, and the characters were fake The Hunger Games is a movie about a young girl named Katniss who takes on a dictatorship to save the lives of many people. Set in a dystopian future, Katniss must face many challenges to save the ones she loves.