Homonyms Quiz Mrs. Christopher March 2011
Directions: For each of the following sentences, choose (by clicking on the correct answer) the homonym that best completes the sentence. For each of the following sentences, choose (by clicking on the correct answer) the homonym that best completes the sentence. If you hear a bell, you did not answer correctly. If you hear applause, your answer is right! If you hear a bell, you did not answer correctly. If you hear applause, your answer is right!
Question 1 I’ve ______ been to the bank, Walmart, and Chick-fil-A today, and it’s only 1:00! A. all ready B. already
Question 2 We are _________ to go to the movies. A. already B. all ready
A. altar B. alter Question 3 Because I’m short, I have to let someone ________ the length of my pants so they’re not too long.
Question 4 At church, we have an _______ where people go to pray. A. altar B. alter
Question 5 My family was _________ this past Christmas. It was so nice to have everyone there! A. all together B. altogether
Question 6 You are __________ wrong! The answer to 2+2 is 4, not 5! A. all together B. altogether
Question 7 To avoid hitting the dog, Mr. Smith had to slam on the __________ in his car. A. brake B. break
Question 8 My little sister thought she wouldn’t get caught, but you can’t ________ something expensive without someone noticing. A. brake B. break
Question 9 The _________ of Alabama is Montgomery. A. capital B. capitol
Question 10 A _________ building is where laws are made. A. capitol B. capital
Question 11 My winter _______ are so itchy! I can’t wait for spring! A. cloths B. clothes
Question 12 Mom has a drawer full of _______ that she uses to dust furniture. A. cloths B. clothes
Question 13 The goat’s fur was very _______. I expected it to be smooth, but it wasn’t. A. course B. coarse
Question 14 My older brother just signed up for his first college ________. A. course B. coarse
Question 15 Strawberry shortcake is my favorite __________. A. desert B. dessert
Bonus Question: It is very dry and sandy in the desert. In this sentence, the word desert is used as a _________. A. noun B. verb
End of quiz
Key 1) B 1) B 2) B 2) B 3) B 3) B 4) A 4) A 5) A 5) A 6) B 6) B 7) A 7) A 8) B 8) B 9) A 9) A 10) B 10) B 11) A 11) A 12) B 12) B 13) A 13) A 14) B 14) B 15) B 15) B Bonus) A Bonus) A