In yer notebook # 100: The Best Setting So Far Pick your favorite setting (or most important) from TPB so far. Fill in the chart below (50 profound words): Location (name & sketch) What you learn about setting (think: emotional DESCRIPTION) Quotation from text, including page # Explain why important
9 = A Vocab Quiz 10 Chapter 5, “The Announcement” continued B Vocab Quiz 10 Chapter 5, “The Announcement” continued A Chapter 6, “The Festivities” Story due B Chapter 6, “The Festivities” Story Due A Chapter 6, “The Festivities” continued 16 = B Chapter 6, “The Festivities” continued A Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class Ch 7, “The Wedding” B Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class Ch 7, “The Wedding” A Ch 8, “The Honeymoon” THE END B Ch 8, “The Honeymoon” THE END 23 = A End of class: TPB whole book quiz B Sr last day End of class: TPB whole book quiz A Vocab Quiz 12 Q4 Book Talks – small group B Vocab Quiz 12 Q4 Book Talks – small group A 30 = No schoolBAFinalsfinals
Whole class = Next time!! 2A = 19? 3A = 16? 4A = 17? 1B = 19? 2B = 16? 3B = 22?????
~*~Table of Contents~*~ ** 1-88 are scored!!!! ** 89 Peer Reviews – Imaginative Story 90. questions for Ch 3 & Ch 4 91 questions for Ch 5 (part 1) 92 quiz ch panel comic of Ch 5 94 questions for Ch 5 (part 2) 95 Map of TPB 96: Vizzini’s Back Story 97 – questions for Ch 6 98: QUIZ – Ch 5 99: My Grade & Parent Signature 100: The Best Setting So Far
1.chicanery 2.infatuated 3. impasse 4. impetuous 5. prominence 6. marauding 7. burgle 8. unimpeachable 9. qualm 10. privy Quiz Tues/Wed Vocabulary 11 = quiz Tues/Wed, 5/17 or 5/18
It is inconceivable how many of you misspelled “inconceivable.”
TPB: Chapters 1-5 Continue ch. 6 Continue reading your SSB “mostly done”????? Today’s exit: QUIZ over ch 6 MOVIE = 20 min!!!
#101: QUIZ – Ch 6 Number your paper 1-10, no need to skip lines ** be a person of integrity!
Tuesday: Vocab quiz Whole class book talks 9 = A Vocab Quiz 10 BA Story due BA 16 = BA Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class BAB
Wed: Vocab quiz Whole class book talks 16 = BAB Vocab Quiz 11 Q4 Book Talks – whole class AB
Daily Participation Points: 5- BYOB!! Read the whole time. Engaged! 4- Read the majority of the time. Tried! 3-Read some of the time had to be reminded. Floundered! 1-No reading, sleeping, off task. Struggled!
Select a NEW book that you have NEVER read before Books w/ movies are okay... You can even see the movie!!!... But you also need to read the book. At least 200 pages, probably more, and appropriate for your reading level You are looking for a FICTION book, or a non-fiction biography... Not a textbook, not a topic (“auto mechanics”)... You will need to discuss STORY STRUCTURE and CHARACTER. If you finish this book before the end of the quarter, you will select another book and KEEP READING There WILL be a book talk (slightly diff)... We’ll discuss later.