M YSTERY MOVIE... BBC - Learning Zone Class Clips What do you think this clip is showing? What questions does this clip raise?
T HE S UFFRAGETTES C HALLENGE : W HY AND H OW DID WOMEN IN B RITAIN CAMPAIGN FOR THE RIGHT TO VOTE ? Learning Objectives: To be able to explain the arguments for and against female suffrage To understand why women decided to challenge the government to gain the vote
W HAT DOES THIS PAINTING TELL YOU ABOUT EXPECTATIONS OF WOMEN IN V ICTORIAN TIMES ? Angelic – providing a loving and safe home Obedient- must obey her husband at all times A possession- when a woman married, her possessions and the woman herself became her husband’s property Separate – the home was the woman’s sphere, man’s outside the home Pale and delicate in appearance Silent – women shouldn’t attend meetings or speak about politics at all George Hick’s painting portrays the ‘ideal’ wife
W HAT DOES THIS PAINTING TELL YOU ABOUT EXPECTATIONS OF WOMEN IN V ICTORIAN TIMES ? THINK What arguments would you expect to be used against allowing women the vote? Who do you think would have been against women gaining the vote? What-inspired-the- suffragettes
A RGUMENTS ‘F OR ’ AND ‘A GAINST ’ Take a role in pairs: (1) ‘Against’ votes for women (2) ‘For’ votes for women Use appropriate information sheets Read Summarise arguments Then write a short speech to support the viewpoint you have researched
H OMEWORK You will be working on a short movie in groups of 3-4 to show the different ways in which women campaigned for the vote To begin this process you need to start your research by watching your choice of 3 movies from the BBC and using this to explain the difference between suffragettes and suffragists (see link on VLE) There is also some additional scanned in information on the VLE
Womens quiz