Deadline : Tuesday, May 17th Senior Project…Yes Please…
The Resume – What Needs Improvement… *Only 1 page *Everyone’s Objective should state the following: To demonstrate preparedness for entry into post secondary education through completion of the Senior Project and interview activities. * Your Objective should be located at the top of your resume, right under your contact information. Follow this with 1) Education, 2) Experience (work, job shadow, community), 3) Awards, 4) Skills *Absolutely no complete sentences / no periods *Lack of capitalization (all proper nouns – contact info, majors, names of companies, schools, and awards) *Don’t include other people’s names – or mom/dad/aunt, etc. *Redundant use of action verbs *Spacing issues *Font issues *Lack of description/actions verbs *Don’t use = Job Title: _________ or Description:___________ * No addresses on resumes – except yours at the top!
The Letter of Introduction – What Needs Improvement… *There are both Content and Corrective issues Only 1 page *Delete subtitles from the template (in bold) *Lack of capitalization – i.e. college majors; do not use “i” or “u” *Font issues – must be same size throughout the body of the letter from date to closing (contact info at top in smaller font) *Closing issues – The interview panel has not interviewed you yet and has not seen your presentation yet – so don’t say, “I hope you enjoyed my…” like it’s in past tense *Lots of redundancy issues – format should be as follows: 1 st par – opening statement about who you are, your values and experiences; 2 nd par – academic focus – the career you researched with a brief overview of what you’ve learned; You should also address specific classes or experiences that had an impact on your future career choice; 3 rd – description of your job shadow/internship experience; 4 th – description of your career/educational goals
The Letter of Introduction – What Needs Improvement… *Do NOT say that Segerstrom or internship experience had no impact on your career goals or that it did not help you = Very negative!!! *In fact, the opening statement should include how your experience at Segerstom played a role in your development of your college and/or career goals. *Make sure you describe your internship/job shadowing in past tense – now that you are done with your hours *Do Not provide an address for your internship location – just the name of the place *Do not write descriptions of other people – i.e teacher’s names, coaches names, internship supervisor names, etc. This letter of intro should be all about YOU. A general reference to a parent, supervisor, teacher is okay *Don’t use actual numbers (i.e. 4) in your letter. Use the word version (i.e. four) instead.
Your Senior Project Portfolio Should Include the Following: Use a clear folder – 3-hole punched!!! 1 st – Cover Sheet which includes your name, ID#, English Teacher’s name, Econ/Gov Teacher’s name, and a school- appropriate picture of you (no selfies, no couple or group pictures,etc. –something professional and tasteful) 2 nd – Letter of Introduction 3 rd – Resume 4 th – Transcript (I’ll give you this) 5 th – Career Research Paper 6 th – Internship Proposal Paperwork 7 th – Hour Verification 8 th - Internship Evaluation Keep this portfolio looking professional; do NOT use glitter!!!
What To Expect on Tuesday, May 17 th : *You’ll report to English class first *You’ll then be walked over to the library, into a computer lab for you to share your final Google drive presentation to a special Senior Project shared site. *You can also use this time to organize and assemble all the components of your portfolio *You will not use this time finish working on the presentation – it must be complete before the 17 th ! *Senior late nights in the Higher Ed Center from 4- 7pm on Thursday, the 5 th AND Monday the 16 th