Recap: Jesus the perfect sacrifice Jesus is the best ………….. we can give to God because Jesus is God’s ………… and he is ………. Also God actually ………Jesus to sacrifice himself. At mass, the priest …..... up the sacrifice of Jesus to God, to give … to God, to ….... Him and to … for our sins. Praise Offers Sacrifice Thanks Son Sinless Asked Make up **What are the two pictures saying?
The Mass-1: Parts of the Mass To name and explain the stages of the Mass To distinguish between the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist
The Mass Liturgy of the WordLiturgy of the Eucharist 1.Write out the different parts of the mass under Liturgy of the Word, or Liturgy of the Eucharist 2.What is the main difference between what happens at the liturgy of the Word and the liturgy of the Eucharist? * Draw a picture for each part Psalm Offertory Procession Sign of Peace Penitential Rite First bible reading Second bible reading Gospel reading Eucharistic prayers Our Father Homily/ Sermon Receiving Holy Communion Prayers of Intercession (bidding prayers)
How could this poem summarise what Mass is about ? Greet God Hear God Give God Meet God Speak God Summarise your version of what the mass is about. Write it down.
1.Write out 2 quotes and match them up to explain what they are saying, about why Catholics celebrate the Eucharist. 2.Which reason would be most important for a Christian and why? **Why would a Catholic disagree with someone who says the Eucharist is just a way of remembering him? “This is my blood, which seals God's covenant... poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. “ Mt 26:28 “He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood lives in Me and I live in Him”. John 6:56 “I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never be hungry.” Jn 6:35 “Do this in remembrance of Me.” 1 Cor 11:23 Which quotes suggest say that Jesus really is giving us his body to eat, in Holy Communion? 1.To have our sins forgiven by His sacrifice. 2.To be spiritually nourished & satisfied. 3. To be close to God, by having God in us 4.To remember what Jesus did for us. 5.To have Jesus’ own eternal life. “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever”.John 6:47- 58
Imagine an alien, knowing nothing about Jesus or God, visited you at Mass. How would you explain it to them? Practice it as a dialogue – your “alien” partner may have quite a lot of questions about what you are saying… Write down your own version of how you would explain the mass to the alien. **Which bit of the mass did you find hardest to explain?
Battleships Draw this grid in your books. Draw 3 ships, 2 squares long, on your sheet. Name them after one stage in the mass A1B1C1D1 E1 A2B2C2D2 E2 A3B3C3D3 E3 A4\B4C4D4 E4 A5 B5 C5 D5 E5 1.To play: call out a grid number eg B1 2.If it hits a boat, your partner says “HIT”. 3.If you HIT twice, then you get to ask your partner to give you a clue about which mass stage the ship represents (eg it is when you say a long prayer to show you are sorry) Penitential Rite Sign of Peace Eucharistic Prayers