For a User-Friendly Workplace
The goal of this lesson is to create a more ergonomic worksite
After this lesson, participants be able to define “ergonomics”, and will be able to provide examples of both ergonomic and non-ergonomic work practices Participants will have the knowledge necessary to make their own workspace more ergonomic. Participants will know early symptoms of work- related musculoskeletal injuries, and be aware of the benefits of seeking early treatment.
Ergonomics is the study of the way workers interact with and fit into their work environment. The goal of a successful ergonomic program is to modify the workers’ environment to better suit their physical needs.
OSHA has developed ergonomic standards designed to reduce the occurrence of workplace-related musculoskeletal disorders, such as back injuries or tendonitis. OSHA’s recommendations can be found on their website.
Think of ergonomic problems specific to your workplace List your ideas on a whiteboard or flip chart One by one, discuss these problems. As a group, try to think of solutions.
Ergonomic changes can be very easy to make, and making them is the responsibility of everyone in the workplace. Visit the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) website for ideas on improving your workplace.
On your pledge cards, write one ergonomic concern you encounter in your workspace. Use the ideas generated in the group discussion to write the steps you can take to address that concern. Pledge to take those steps within the month. Pin the card up in your workspace to remind you!