Rural housing and older people Chartered Institute of Housing, Annual Conference: Policy Fringe 19 th June 2007 Paul Haezewindt Defra
Overview Rural housing for an ageing population Evidence base State of rural England Older people in the countryside Demographic changes Housing Challenges: older people and housing Defra: policy responses
State of rural England A place where people want to live Improved evidence base The Rural Definition Rural areas performing well Challenges: dispersed deprivation, access to services, affordable housing Change in the countryside: population growth, ageing, international in-migration
Older people in the countryside Significant older population in rural areas 3 million people aged 60+ in rural LA districts 28% 60+ population in rural areas 95-05: +16% in rural pop’n, -0.2% in urban Pensioner poverty similar rural/urban: 20% Increased demand for services Mobility: 22% people aged 80+ have no car and do not use public transport
Demographic change Growing and Ageing Overall population increasing Net migration to rural: 100,000 pa Ageing population overall but fastest in rural Ageing & age-related migration to rural 50% pop’n aged over 50 in most rural districts by % increase in rural over 75s by 2029
Ageing Population Charts: population ageing across the country, but fastest growth in rural areas
Population change 2005 to 2029, by age (%) England
Population change 2005 to 2029, by age (%) England, All Rural/Urban LA Classification
Population change 2005 to 2029, by age (%) England, Rural-80, Rural-50, Major Urban Rural Urban
Ageing Population Maps Maps: Geographical distribution of those aged 60+ in rural and urban areas, 1995 to 2029.
Housing Pressures on supply and affordability High demand for housing, constrained supply £ : most rural +110%, urban +74% Lower wages in rural economy, <affordability High rural unit costs of development Availability of land Protecting the natural environment 1/3 rd older people in non-decent housing
Challenges Rural housing and older people Meeting existing housing demand and choices Maintaining people’s independence Tackling non-decent housing Promoting good health Preventing winter deaths Improving safety in the home Access to services
Meeting the challenges Defra policy response/direction of travel Using the evidence base Working across Whitehall and with other partners Rural proofing Mainstreaming and embedding rural considerations Community proofing
Links Rural housing and older people Paul Haezewindt (e) Defra: The rural definition: definition.htm Defra/CLG rural housing: