Paul McGarry Public Health Manchester Manchester City Council Building an Age-friendly Manchester
Overview What is an age- friendly city? Ageing in Manchester Who’s involved? What’s been achieved? What’s next?
Ageing in the city “Population ageing and urbanisation have in their different ways become the key social trends of the twenty-first century.” Phillipson 2010
“An age-friendly city is a city that encourages active ageing by optimising opportunities for health, participation and security in order to enhance quality of life as people age.” World Health Organisation, 2006
“Some councils will see an outward migration of affluent people in their 50s and 60s who choose to leave the cities…..the remaining older population…tends to be….poorer, isolated and more vulnerable with a lower life expectancy and a need for acute interventions” Audit Commission 2008 “41 per cent of people aged 65 plus feel out of touch with the pace of modern life” Age UK 2014
Social Inequalities in Later Life Mean walking speed and wealth Source: English Longitudinal Study of Ageing
Who’s involved?
Working with older people VOP allows us to have a say on the things that matter… it’s a voice for older people Elaine Unegbu, VOP Board member
Making ageing everyone’s business
Small changes, big differences
“With the help of an Age-Friendly Manchester Small Grant, we have been able to subsidise some places and are now working towards reducing loneliness among those in need in our community. We’re a sort of nomadic luncheon club and now have around thirty regular members. Many of our members live alone …..we help to provide a few hours’ company on a regular basis and we know how important and beneficial this can be to people.” Winnie Hagan Ecumenical Luncheon Group Small changes, big differences
Generations Together
Key achievements: the AFM programme in numbers 11: Years since VOP launch 350: Local groups receiving small grants 2,000: People attending winter warmth events 1,500: people receive e-bulletin since weeks: Older People’s Board meets 200: members of the Older people’s Forum £6.5m: AFM external investment since : WHO affiliates : front-line staff trained 150: Culture Champions 1: number of age-friendly parks
“Manchester is leading the way.” Setsuko Sayer,Organisation of Economic Cooperation and Development Manchester has established itself at an international level as a leading authority in developing one of the most comprehensive strategic programmes on ageing.” John Beard, Director, Department of Ageing and Life Course, World Health Organisation, Geneva
“It’s exciting partnering with a team that’s driving forward such an innovative world- leading ageing strategy. The work of AFM is key to making our research on ageing increasingly successful and relevant, and to meeting the needs of Manchester’s diverse population.” Professor James Nazroo The University of Manchester MICRA: Attracting world-class researchers
“The important work carried out by Age-friendly Manchester enables the Hallé to reach an important new audience, many of whom would not be able to hear our work were it not for this initiative.” Sir Mark Elder Music Director, Hallé Orchestra AFM Cultural programme: the model for the UK
What’s next?
Age-friendly neighbourhoods Age-friendly services Research and innovation Communication and engagement
What’s next? Economy and Ageing CCG and BLF investment AF-GM Housing for an AFM
One last thing……. Older people engaged in social networks, and social activities are: Less likely to report poor health and depression Less likely to suffer cognitive ageing Less likely to make demands on health and social care agencies
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