VyperNet A Framework for Programmable Virtual Private Networks Adam Hudson Supervisor: Bob Kummerfeld
A VyperNet network Client Network Client Network Client Network Client Network Client Network
Contributions A design for a framework that allows clients to configure Virtual Private Networks within provider networks An implementation of the framework An example application
VPNs A Virtual Private Network (VPN) provides a way for distributed sites to connect in a manner than emulates a LAN Comprised of tunnels Layers of protocols that hide underlying network from applications
ISP Firewall ISP An example VPN
ISP Firewall ISP An example VPN
VPN control A client builds their VPN upon a network they acquire from a provider eg. ISP, carrier VPNs are usually a series of tunnels across a network, that are controlled at the edge of the network All that the client has access to Inefficient use of network Better option is to control the endpoints of the tunnels within the network
Enter VyperNet Providers need to offer a way for clients to control the internal nodes of the network Difficult to do at present Providers make changes at client’s request Insecure otherwise VyperNet introduces a way to let clients gain control Allows the introduction of code into a controlled portion of the switch nodes of the network, on behalf of the client
Technologies used in VyperNet Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Active Networking Programmable VPNs
MPLS A method of producing tunnels Labels are inserted as an extra header between layer 2 and 3 of each packet Labels are allocated to packets based upon their destination as they enter the network, and are switched at each hop on to the next switch Allows many different VPNs to use the same network
MPLS tunnels
Active Networks Introduce programmability into the network Packets carry code with them in “capsules”, which can execute at active nodes along their path Creates environment for clients to access the network switches Provide them with a programmable VPN
VyperNet A framework to allow the client to configure an MPLS network Sends capsules at the request of the client to switches to manipulate MPLS switching tables Designed for use in creating programmable VPNs An example application can show how it works
Node Trader Switch VyperNet components Switch Provider Application Startup capsule 2.Client tunnel request capsule (and response) 3.Provider tunnel request capsule (and response) 4.Switch configuration capsule (and response) Client Application 2
VyperNet switch configuration
Example – No active nodes
Example – 3 active nodes
Startup capsules Node Trader Switch Application 1 1 1
Example – VPN allocation
Example – Tunnel allocation
Example – Client-side tunnel activation
Tunnel activation Node Trader Switch Provider Application Client Application 2 Provider application acts As a gateway for client requests
Example – Tunnel activated
Example – A VPN
Real world example Telstra want to deploy a framework like this into their nation-wide network of switches Would allow them to allocate portions of their network to clients, such that Telstra is acting as a VPN Service Provider Clients can quickly activate or deactivate tunnels to suit organisational needs
Telstra example Client Network Client Network Client Network Client Network Client Network
In conclusion A design for a framework that allows clients to configure Virtual Private Networks within provider MPLS networks An implementation of the framework An example application