Gilgamesh Vocabulary Review
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review A long narrative poem about a larger-than-life hero who is engaged in a dangerous journey, or quest, that is important to the history of a nation or people
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review epic
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Name the two types of epics.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Folk epic – stories about heroes that were recited or sung as entertainment at feasts Literary epic – written by a specific author, borrowing the style and characteristics of the folk epic
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Four key elements of the epic
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic hero Epic conflict Heroic quest divine intervention
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review the larger-than-life main character of an epic.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic hero
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review The hero’s struggle against an obstacle, or a series of obstacles
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic conflict
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review The hero’s perilous journey in search of something of value to his people
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Heroic Quest
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Help from a god or some other supernatural force
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Divine intervention
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review What do you call the literary characteristics that epics share?
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic conventions
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic Conventions:
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review In the middle of things
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review En medias res
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Elaborate extended comparisons using like or as
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Epic simile
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Stock descriptive words or phrases that allowed a poet to describe a character or an object quickly in terms that the audience would recognize Ex: son of Laertes Odysseus
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review epithet
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Compound phrases such as “the gray-eyed goddess Athena,” “man-killing Hector,” “the wine-dark sea.”
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Homeric epithet
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Appeal for supernatural help in telling the story; appears along with the opening statement of theme
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review invocation
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review These reflect the importance of an epic’s characters and theme
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Serious tone and elevated style
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review A basic plot, character, symbol, or idea that recurs in the literature of many cultures
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review The central message of a text; the higher overall message that the author wants the reader to get from the text
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review theme
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review The use of hints to tell what will happen in the future
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review foreshadowing
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Reluctant or unenthusiastic compliance, consent, or agreement
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review acquiesce
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review To merge or bring things together
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Coalesce The students’ suggestions began to coalesce into a beautiful piece of work.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Unpleasant sound – especially a combination of sounds that sound wrong together
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Discord Every instrument was in full use, creating so much discord that it was impossible to concentrate.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review A lack of respect; to reject as not good enough; to reject with scorn
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Disdain The potential investors disdained my idea, insisting it was not up to par with the other products they sponsor.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Something mysterious that seems unexplainable; puzzling
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Enigma The perception of the female species is that they are too challenging an enigma to try to figure out alone, often requiring one to obtain assistance in order to solve.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Praise, glorify, honor
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Extol Abby began to extol her superiors for their success in bringing everyone together to get the project done in record time.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review To express grief or regret
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Lament Lamenting over spilled milk is inexplicable, but doing so over the loss of a loved one is totally understandable.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Not clearly seen, understood, or expressed; To hide or make less visible; Not known to many people
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Obscure The sun’s rays are obscured by the dark clouds.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Behaving in a highly moral or religious manner
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Pious Mr. Valmer is a very pious individual, often spending hours helping the less fortunate and protesting against causes he views as immoral.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Argue in protest or opposition
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Remonstrate Unhappy with the pop quiz they had this morning, the students remonstrated in private to the principal.
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review To regard with feelings of deep respect
Gilgamesh Vocab. Review Revere It is usually obvious to tell that an artist reveres Michael Jackson, one of the most influential entertainers of all time, just by watching their actions on stage.