Gilgamesh Continued…in Pictures October 2 nd, 2012
Writer’s Notebook As we learned yesterday, Gilgamesh is about to begin his quest to find eternal life. If given the opportunity, would you seek out eternal life/ eternal youth? In other words, would you want to be young forever?
Remembering the Death of Enkidu
1 st Encounter
2nd Encounter
3 rd Encounter
4 th Encounter
5 th Encounter
6 th Encounter
Homework There is a familiar story within this story (frame story) that we will read tomorrow. In order to prepare for our reading tomorrow, I would like you to revisit (or read for the first time) the familiar bible story of Noah and the flood (Book of Genesis, chapters 6-9) and answer the following questions: 1. What was the cause of the flood? Why did God make it happen? 2. Who did the flood impact (wipe out/kill)? 3. What did God order Noah to do? 4. How long did the flood last? 5. What was the outcome of the flood? Lesson learned? 6. In [re]reading this flood story, did you notice any details that seemed surprising or unexpected?