2004 SUMATRA EARTHQUAKE The Impossible Movie CLIP - The Wave (2012) - Ewan McGregor, Naomi Watts Movie HD
1755 LISBON, PORTUGAL EARTHQUAKE, FIRE, TSUNAMI Earthquake Fire Tsunami Earthquakes were thought to be causes by deities Voltaire’s Candide was banned for blasphemy –proposed earthquakes were natural Kant- earthquakes were caused by underground shifting of gases Birth of modern seismology of-1755
2011 TOHOKU TSUNAMI (FUKISHIMA) Earth moved on its axis Chile, Mexico, and Alaska experienced 6 ft. waves Floodwaters reaches generators overheats meltdown occurs
1931 & 1954 CENTRAL CHINA FLOODS 8-56% decline in crop yields for the next 5 years following flood 1954 flood was greater in magnitude but killed less people
1935 FLORIDA KEYS LABOR DAY HURRICANE FERA veterans build railroad- New Deal program Keys of workers were confiscated so they couldn’t leave Train was supposed to pick up workers- derails No drinkable water urricane
GILGAMESH Utnapishtim is told to build a boat by Ea 6 days and 6 nights of flooding – ends on the 7 th day Stayed on a mountain for 6 days and flew birds Enil is mad that Utnapishtim survives the flood Utnapishtim and his wife are turned into gods for saving humanity rg/entry/Gilgamesh,_Epic_of
GENESIS Noah builds arc Rains for 40 days and 40 nights The water flooded the earth for 150 days All living things that breathed air perished Noah sent out a raven and 3 doves Noah sacrificed offerings God promises no more floods
AENEID: VIRGIL Juno hates Trojans He sees Aeneas coming toward Italy to establish the Roman race Aeolus unleashes a storm because Juno asks Aeneas watches the ships become knocked off course in horror Neptune calms the water- 7 ships remain Reaches Libya and makes camp ost/ /life-of-a-latin- student-aeneas-to-do-list
METAMORPHOSES: OVID Jove starts a storm to bury the human race under the waves Rivers race to the sea and dykes are opened Neptune floods all open plains Deucalion and his wife are only survivors on Mount Pamasus- piety Jove let them live and quelled the flood
3. Create a modernized superstorm story of your own modeled after one of these four classic stories. 1. Gilgamesh 2. Genesis 3. Aeneid 4. Metamorphoses 1. How are these stories of ancient superstorms connected to people’s views of modern storms? 2. What about storms is so compelling to people that believe in God/gods?