SBCUSD Common Core Technology Initiative Assessment, Accountability and Instructional Technology and Information Technology
Agenda Overview of Common Core Technology Initiative Breakout Sessions Site Equipment Inventory/Purchasing District Infrastructure/Classroom Connectivity/Site Tech Support Site Instructional Technology Coaches Technology Professional Development Plan
Meeting Guidelines for Excellence 2. We focus on positive outcomes for students.
The Intersection of Common Core State Standards and Student Technology Use "Students who are college and career ready employ technology thoughtfully to enhance their reading, writing, speaking, listening, and language use. They tailor their searches online to acquire useful information efficiently, and they integrate what they learn using technology with what they learn offline. They are familiar with the strengths and limitations of various technological tools and mediums and can select and use those best suited to their communication goals.”
What is Educational Technology?
District Technology Committee Work and the SBCUSD Technology Rollout
Established District Equipment Standards
SBCUSD Common Core Technology Initiative- Equity in Student Access Provide ELA and Mathematics 3- 8 and 11 classrooms with needed WAP and bandwidth to support student device usage for instruction and testing Partner with sites in finding a solution for providing needed site tech support Ensure that SBAC ready and adequate hardware is available to obtain a 2 to 1 ratio for grades 3-8 and 11 in ELA and Mathematics Fill- in deficient classroom presentation systems for teachers Provide administrator, coach and teacher training that will build site capacities Implement a districtwide Learning Management System Provide each site a district sponsored site technology coach Utilize the TIM to monitor and provide feedback to teachers
Commitments for Meeting a July 1, 2014 Target for Full Site Implementation Robust Infrastructure Classroom Connectivity Site Tech Support Adequate Student Hardware Effective Classroom Presentation Systems Administrative, Teacher and Coach Training Districtwide Learning Management System Student Technology Leadership District Sponsored Technology Leadership Tools for Implementation Monitoring
Key Insights from iSeek Project and SBAC Pilot Testing Infusion of technology in quality instruction increases student engagement and achievement Students are powerful technology leaders True technology integration takes time and planning Students need opportunity to work with electronic text and experience composing a variety of written responses on an electronic device Powerful, specific feedback speeds up implementation Many of our students and staff lack needed foundational technology skills that will be needed for SBAC testing The technology alone will not make poor instruction better Site tech support is a key component
Thoughts, Challenges, Threats and Questions With the other administrators at your table group talk about what you have learned so far in the overview concerning the Common Core Technology Initiative. Identify the thoughts you may have or the challenges, threats and questions that may come up. Be ready to share the most pressing thought, challenge, threat or question with the group.
15 minute-Break-out Sessions Site Equipment Inventory/Purchasing- Barbara District Infrastructure/Classroom Connectivity/Site Tech Support- Dilip and Nick Site Instructional Technology Coaches- Ruth and Rosendo Technology Professional Development Plan- Keri and Tim
Don’t Forget… Please initial the sign out following your last session today…