Discover radio with us! Wednesdays at 7:00 PM in 911 Old Chemistry (Top of North East stairwell).ORG
What is Amateur Radio? Non-Commercial recreational operation of communications equipment on dedicated radio frequencies for two way communications with other amateur radio operators using a variety of modes Amateur radio operators are individually licensed by the FCC and issued a unique call sign. (Ex: KD8NPO, WI3G, KD6UC, W8YX, K8TYR)
Licensed? Not a requirement to join UCARC! Can still participate in ALL club activities Administered by volunteer organizations on behalf of the FCC Three licenses classes: -Technician -General -Amateur Extra Not as hard as it sounds. Technician license exam is 35 basic multiple choice questions
What’s fun about amateur radio? Communicating Experimenting Contesting Builder/Maker friendly! Fox-hunting (hidden transmitter hunt) Satellite work/talk with astronauts! Off the grid/portable operation
What does the UCARC do? Help you get involved and discover radio! Meets every Wednesday at 7:00PM in 911 Old Chemistry