TIARA-PP WP 9 « TIHPAC » Test Infrastructure for High Power Accelerator Components Sébastien Bousson (CNRS-IN2P3-IPN Orsay) TIARA PP TIARA Steering Committee 11 th January CERN
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9 Framework The multi-MW target complex The low beta superconducting (SC) cavities (for driver and post-accelerator) EURISOL is the next generation of a facility aiming at the production of radioactive ion beams (RIB) using the ISOL technique. A Design Study within FP6 has just finished, and 2 key components will require an important R&D program and intense experimental tests to fulfill the Eurisol requirements The objective of this WP is to coordinate the definition and the design of two test benches: an irradiation test facility for the high power target developments and a cryogenic test cryostat for testing fully equipped low beta superconducting cavities. Important synergies of these equipments with other projects : ESS, ADS (EUROTRANS, MYRRHA)…
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9 : Breakdown of Work TaskShort NameDescription 9.1M-MWIFMulti MW Irradiation Facility for complex target testing 9.1.1DSIFDefinition and Specification of the Irradiation test Facility IIFIdentification of the Irradiation test Facility SIFSpecifications of the Irradiation test Facility 9.1.2DSIFDesign Study of the high power Irradiation test Facility PDIFPreliminary Design study of the high power Irradiation test Facility TDIFTechnical Design report on the high power Irradiation test Facility 9.2DCTCDesign of a fully equipped low beta Cavities Test Cryostat 9.2.1DSTCDefinition and Specification of the low beta SC Test Cryostat IURIdentification of the User Requirements STCSpecifications of the low beta Test Cryostat 9.2.2DTSCSDesign of the vacuum Tank, Shielding, and Cavity supporting System PDTSCSPreliminary Design study Tank, Shielding, and Cavity supporting System ADTSCSAdvanced Design study Tank, Shielding, and Cavity supporting System 9.2.3CDCCBConceptual Design of the associated Cryogenic Cold Box
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9 : Deliverables and Milestones Deliverables NumNat [1] [1] Short name DescriptionmonthP*M D9.1RTDIFTechnical Design Report of the Multi-MW test Irradiation Facility 3619 D9.2RTDCCTechnical Design Report on the SC Cavity test Cryostat 3630 Milestones NumNat 40 Short name DescriptionMonth M9.1RDSIFReport on the Definition and Specifications of the Irradiation test Facilities 12 M9.2RPDIFPreliminary Design report of the high power Irradiation test Facility 16 M9.3RURCSReport on the User Requirements and setting up of the test Cryostat Specifications 13 M9.4RPDCCReport on the Preliminary Design study of the low beta SC Cavity test Cryostat 18
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9 : Ressources and key persons Participant number 2310 Participant short name CERNCNRSUU Person-months per participant: The key persons: - CERN : Yacine Kadi - University of Upsaala (ESS) : Mats Lindroos - CNRS (IPNO) : Sébastien Bousson
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9 : Start of Work For both sub-task, work is starting by defining exactly what these test infrastructures should be: * Definition and Specification of the Irradiation test Facility * Definition and Specification of the low beta SC Test Cryostat Identification of the User Requirements
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January WP 9.1 : Irradiation test facilities for MMW target development Full scale test of the MMW target available only in the final facility ! Achieving the design of the full scale target (ex. 4 MW for Eurisol) will require several partial tests: sub-components, irradiation at lower power, instrumentation tests… N°Research ItemsApplication 1Test coaxial guided stream (CGS) Window cooling with laser heatingPerformance 2Test windowless transverse film (WTF) stability with high speed cameraPerformance 3Sub-scale Target irradiationPerformance 4Ultra-sound sensorsInstrumentation 5Pressure sensor capillariesInstrumentation 6Heat Transfer Coefficient (HTC) method improvements with laserInstrumentation 7Primary/Secondary fluid interaction studySafety 8Investigation of the pressure wave from a pulseScience 9Investigation of on-line isotopic separationScience 10Fatigue under Liquid Metal (LM) corrosion and irradiation studyScience 11Influence of wall conditions on LM Heat transferScience 12Long-duration test facilityEngineering 13Dedicated LM Component developmentEngineering All these research items will require experimental studies.
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January Before assessing that a SC cavity is validated for an operational use in an accelerator, the final experiment is a cryogenic test at nominal RF power of the fully equipped cavity (power couplers, cold tuning systems…) WP 9.2 : Designing a low beta cavity test cryostat Very few “accelerator configuration” test cryostat are existing in Europe and they are only designed for elliptical cavity testing. Such a cryostat, specific and devoted to low beta SC cavities will be a useful complementary equipment.
Sébastien Bousson – TIARA-PP – SC Meeting - CERN, 11 th January Cryogenic cold box Superconducting cavity Cold tuning system Power coupler The Test Module The Cavities WP 9.2 : Designing a low beta cavity test cryostat