Population Shifts
Migration The movement of people from one area to another African Americans -moved from the south after the Civil War to the north to find jobs and make a living
Immigration People who are moving from a particular area and are settling into an area from which they are not from Hispanics: come to the U.S. for jobs
Good/Bad People are able to obtain jobs and create income Some will get mad because they are not getting jobs because people are willing to work at a lower wage This will cause the standard of living to go down and more people will move to cities and this will create a higher crime rate
Sunbelt States Florida, Texas, Arizona, California Have received millions of immigrants coming from the Mexican border each year This has shifted the population
Rustbelt States Pennsylvania, West Virginia, and the Industrial Midwest Iron and Steel Traditional manufacturing and unmodernized plants Why not a lot production? Old machines and not up to date on equipment
Service Society
Service Industries Industries that are selling goods and services Distribution and sale of goods and services from producer to consumer Pest Control or Entertainment Focus is on people interacting with other people
Waitress Pest Control
Silicon Valley Southern part of the San Francisco Bay area in California Almost all of the companies that are in this area have something to do with computers Adobe, Apple, eBay, Google, Intel, Yahoo
Research Triangle Park Largest research park in the world Raleigh/Durham Created for scientific research and business, academics, and industry Bayer, DuPont, Ericsson, Lenovo(IBM), General Electric, Verizon