UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Agenda New Features in SQL Server 2016 About me General Enhancements In-memory OLTP Enhancements Always Encrypted Query Store and Live Query Statistics Row-Level Security Stretch Database AlwaysOn Enhancements
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Agenda (cont) New Features in SQL Server 2016 PolyBase JSON Support TempDB enhancements References
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Gareth Swanepoel From South Africa originally Been in IT for 25+ years Was first a sysadmin, then a DBA Sr. Data Platform & BI Consultant with Pragmatic Works Author - SQL 2012 Pro Admin Speaker – SQL User Groups, SQL Saturdays, SQL PASS Summit, webinars Twitter Website :
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com General Enhancements Advanced Analytics (RRE integration) Data Exploration and Predictive Modeling with R over SQL Server data Operationalizing your R code using T-SQL Transactional replication from SQL Server to Azure SQL DB Per Session Wait Statistics sys.dm_exec_session_wait_stats (instance level – sys.dm_os_wait_stats) Instant File Initialisation configuration during initial setup Enhanced backup to Azure
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com In-memory OLTP Enhancements Feature/LimitSQL Server 2014SQL Server 2016 Maximum size of durable table256 GB2 TB LOB (varbinary(max), [n]varchar(max))Not supportedSupported* Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)Not supportedSupported Offline Checkpoint Threads11 per container ALTER PROCEDURE / sp_recompileNot supportedSupported (fully online) Nested native procedure callsNot supportedSupported Natively-compiled scalar UDFsNot supportedSupported ALTER TABLE Not supported Not supported (DROP / re-CREATE) Partially supported (offline – details below) DML triggersNot supported Partially supported (AFTER, natively compiled) Indexes on NULLable columnsNot supportedSupported Non-BIN2 collations in index key columnsNot supportedSupported Non-Latin codepages for [var]char columnsNot supportedSupported Non-BIN2 comparison / sorting in native modulesNot supportedSupported Foreign KeysNot supportedSupported Check/Unique ConstraintsNot supportedSupported ParallelismNot supportedSupported OUTER JOIN, OR, NOT, UNION [ALL], DISTINCT, EXISTS, INNot supportedSupported Multiple Active Result Sets (MARS) (Means better Entity Framework support.) Not supportedSupported SSMS Table DesignerNot supportedSupported
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Always Encrypted Protects data at rest and in motion Encryption key resides with the application Encryption and Decryption are transparent & happen on application side Always Encrypted Driver -.NET Framework 4.6
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Always Encrypted Encryption is at the column level, rather than at the database level Feature-based restrictions: Temporal tables Triggers are partially supported Full-text search Replication Change Data Capture In-memory OLTP Stretch database
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Flight data recorder (black box) for your database Query store retains multiple execution plans per query Collects query text along with all relevant properties Two stores: Plan store – persisting execution plan information AND metrics Runtime statistics store – persisting the statistics information Catalog views: sys.query_store_plan, sys.query_store_query, sys.query_store_query_text Query Store
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Easily find & fix plan regression Pinpoint the most expensive queries Minimise SQL Server upgrade risks Analyse workload patterns With query store, you can ….
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Regressed Queries Overall Resource Consumption Top Resource Consuming Queries Tracked Queries Query Store Views
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Regressed Queries
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Top Resource Consumers
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Live Query Statistics Include Live Query Statistics
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Live Query Plan
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Activity Monitor
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Row-Level Security Row level access control Based on user’s group membership or execution context Restriction logic located at the DB tier rather than at the app tier Optimizer automatically applies predicate function to queries Security Predicates: Filter Block Steps: Create predicate function Create security policy to bind function to table(s)
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Stretch Database Leverages Azure to store and query archive data Archives data transparently and securely Reduced cost, performance gains against current (on-premises) data Can join across local and remote data User code will still point to SQL on-premises instance Run the Stretch Database Advisor EXEC sys.sp_configure N'remote data archive', '1';
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Stretch Database
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Stretch DB Limitations (CTP 3.0) Memory-optimized and replicated tables Tables that contain FILESTREAM data, use Change Tracking or Change Data Capture Data types such as timestamp, sql_variant, XML, geography or columns that are Always Encrypted Check, default, or foreign key constraints that reference the table XML, full-text, spatial, clustered columnstore indexes and indexed views UPDATE or DELETE statements, CREATE INDEX or ALTER INDEX operations Limitations:
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Distributed Transaction Coordinator support Load Balancing for Readable Secondaries Additional synchronous failover targets – up to 3 Optional setting to fail over based on database failure Group Managed Service Accounts are fully supported Improved log transport performance AlwaysOn Enhancements
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com PolyBase Introduced in PDW v2 Use T-SQL to access data in Hadoop Configuration: Install PolyBase Choose Hadoop or Azure using sp_configure Create external data source and file format in SQL Create external table to reference the data HDFS SQL 2016 Hadoop Results7 2 Map job 5 HDFS blocks DB SQL1 MapReduce
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com JSON Support JSON - JavaScript Object Notation. JSON support is one of the highest ranked requests by customers. JSON is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML. JSON is used in a majority of Web APIs and is growing significantly. CTP2 – FOR JSON [PATH | AUTO] CTP3 – OPENJSON, IsJSON ( ), JSON_Value ()
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com TempDB Enhancements Trace Flags 1117 & 1118 not required Setup adds TempDB files = CPU count or 8, whichever is lower Default initial size is 8MB and the default autogrowth is 64MB Multiple volumes for TempDB files Configure TempDB during initial setup
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Product Page: Always Encrypted: Tim Radney - Introduction to Stretch Database: SQL Server Query: https://channel9.msdn.com/Shows/Data-Exposed/Query-Store-in-SQL-Server References
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.com Row-Level Security: Stretch Database: PolyBase in SQL Server 2016: Aaron Bertrand - SQL Server 2016 Advanced JSON Techniques: techniques--part-1/ techniques--part-1/ Klaus Aschenbrenner - TempDB Changes in SQL Server 2016: References
UNIQUE AND NOT DULLwww.MyGareth.comServices Speed development through training and rapid development services from Pragmatic Works.Products BI products to convert to a Microsoft BI platform and simplify development on the platform. Foundation Helping those who do not have the means to get into information technology and to achieve their dreams. Twitter Website : Thanks