SETTING Gilgamesh is set in MESOPOTAMIA which means, “land between two rivers.” ~5,000 years ago many major civilizations formed in this area in S.W. Asia The two rivers are the Tigris & the Euphrates. The area is known today as Iraq. Ask students to consider why an area between two rivers would be a hotbed for civilizations? - WATER!
Also check out p.7 in the book!
The first civilization in these areas was the Sumerians. They developed CUNEIFORM which is the areas earliest form of writing!
Note: Cuneiform means “wedge shaped.”
Gilgamesh was a FOLK EPIC until it was written on twelve stone tablets in ~ 2000 B.C. Since then, the epic has been a LITERARY EPIC. It is written in the form of an EPIC POEM Gilgamesh of Uruk was a real Sumerian king who was believed to actually be half human, half god. Gilgamesh of Uruk is an EPIC HERO in this FOLKTALE.
Themes : Main Idea or Message Anguish & Loss Mortality & Immortality Heroism & Humility
Epic Conventions Opening statement of theme: “I will proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh” (19) Invocation: none Tone: serious In media res: story jumps right into life as a king
Epic Conventions Cont… Epic Similes: Gilgamesh is “terrifying like a great wild bull” (19) Epithets: The watchman of the woods” (19), “son of Uruk” (20), “the faithful companion” (20), Uruk of the strong walls” (31).
Study Notes on Ancient World Literature & the Epic of Gilgamesh THE END Study Notes on Ancient World Literature & the Epic of Gilgamesh