Al Gore (Democrat) vs. George W. Bush (Republican) Gore won the popular vote by ½ million votes Came down to Florida Bush’s brother was Governor At first, Bush was in the lead Recount found Bush was 1,000 votes short Questions surrounding accuracy Gore took the issue to the Supreme Court George Bush declared president ELECTION OF 2000: BUSH VS. GORE
Islamic Terrorist hijacked 4 US airliners Crashed the planes: World Trade Center in New York City, NY Pentagon Building in Washington, D.C. A field in Shanksville, Pennsylvania Passengers resisted the terrorists and crashed the plane on purpose 3,000 people were killed Osama bin Laden and al-Qaeda Took credit for the attacks SEPTEMBER 11 TH, 2001
Bush launched a “war” on countries harboring terrorists Oct air and ground assaults destroyed many al-Qaeda bases Osama bin Laden eluded capture/death USA PATRIOT Act Greatly expanded the government’s law enforcement powers Government could now search, use surveillance, detain immigrants, monitor bank accounts NSA (National Security Agency) could wiretap calls WAR ON TERROR
Fear that Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein might provide weapons to bin Laden Bush believed Hussein had weapons of mass destruction (WMD) Began war against Iraq Hussein was captured and executed by Iraqis in 2006 New government established First Arab democracy Many Iraqis became angry that foreigners were intervening in their country Many disliked America Bush sent more troops to secure and protect Iraq WAR IN IRAQ
Led to the evacuation and flooding of almost 80% of New Orleans and other parts of the Gulf Coast Hurricane’s power exceeded the engineering of the New Orleans levees 1,800+ people died Rescue efforts were so delayed that people were stranded on rooftops and in attics 20,000+ people were trapped in the Superdome HURRICANE KATRINA
Worst crisis since the Great Depression. After stock market drop in 2000, Federal Reserve lowered interest rates to stimulate the economy Many took advantage of this and bought new houses Some banks lent money to people who really couldn't afford the houses they were buying Eventually home prices rose As homeowners couldn’t afford their homes, they were forced to sell them to banks or investors (foreclosure) Several investment firms began to fail and banks stopped lending FINANCIAL CRISIS OF
One of the hardest fought elections in US History Hillary Clinton ran for Democratic Party Barack Obama was a young senator from Illinois Received a tremendous boost when Oprah Winfrey endorsed him Senator John McCain ran on the Republican ticket Sarah Palin Vice-Presidential candidate Obama is elected Appealed to young people, minorities, opponents of the Iraqi War 2008 ELECTIONS
Wanted to stimulate the economy by producing jobs, rebuilding roads, bridges, schools, etc. Proposed changes to healthcare and education American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 $700 billion spent to help the economy Creating new jobs, saving existing jobs, invest in long term infrastructure development Passed legislation to regulate credit cards, lending, and banks Passed universal healthcare despite controversy OBAMA’S RESPONSE TO THE CRISIS
Sonia Sotomayor First Hispanic Justice and third female justice to serve on Supreme Court Elena Kagan Another female Justice appointed to the Supreme Court SUPREME COURT APPOINTMENTS