Suicide Bullying By: Akiaya, Brittany, Kourtni, and Maison Ki
What is Power? Power sometimes can be a good thing, but too much power can turn to bullying. Power can make some people confident but when you get too confident it makes you into a monster. K
Sam Leeson Sam Leeson, a young 13 year old committed suicide after being bullied because style of clothes and different types of music. ki
Megan Meier Megan Meier, a young 13 year old committed suicide because of MySpace. Her neighbor pretended to be a 16 year old named “ Josh Evans.” He always complimented her, saying things like “Your beautiful” or “I like you a lot.” One day he started being mean, saying horrible things like “The world would be a better place without you!” So she committed suicide by hanging herself from her closet with one of her own belts. Megan Meier, a young 13 year old committed suicide because of MySpace. Her neighbor pretended to be a 16 year old named “ Josh Evans.” He always complimented her, saying things like “Your beautiful” or “I like you a lot.” One day he started being mean, saying horrible things like “The world would be a better place without you!” So she committed suicide by hanging herself from her closet with one of her own belts. b
Alex Wildman Alex Wildman, a young 14 year old committed suicide because of his classmates. He hung himself one Friday night at his house because he couldn’t take it anymore. He got into a fight a week before he committed suicide because more kids were targeting him. This traumatized his family members, friends, and the entire community. britt
Maria Herrera This 12 year old, Maria Herrera, committed suicide by hanging herself in her closet with a cloth belt. Before she hung herself Maria was very depressed and would come home crying/ started cutting her hair shorter and shorter each day. The kids would call her train tracks because she had braces and they also cut her hair. She told the counselor she wanted to kill herself, but the counselor never told anyone or got help for her. ki
All of these kids were bullied so severely that they committed suicide, we need to find a way to stop bullies so tragedies like these do not happen. ki
Signs of Bullying Fears of going to school Missing items like money or clothing. Unexplained injuries Becoming depressed Low self-esteem Disturbed nights of sleep. m
How to stop it If you see someone getting bullied tell an adult. Give support to the victim. Sometimes being a friend is the best thing to do. Get friends to help support you on standing up to the bully, when multiple people see what the bully is doing is wrong it will most likely stop. k
Our Survey 10 students have been bullied by text 8 students have been physically bullied 22 students have been mentally bullied 4 students have been bullied by internet 4 students have been bullied by phone 26 students have not been bullied 8 out of 130 students have thought of suicide at this school alone we need to take a stand and stop bullying 48 have not thought of suicide m