SQL Server Management Studio Installation Class Environment Setup
I do not display every ‘OK’, only the options requiring you to make a decision I have included comments to some of the slides, with more details..
SQL Server 2012 Management Studio go to: us/download/details.aspx?id=29062https:// us/download/details.aspx?id=29062 then select SQL Management Studio file OR - direct link for a 64 bit version: 7BDBA-CEF7-4D8E-8C16- D9F69527F909/ENU/x64/SQLManagementStudio_x64_ ENU.exe 7BDBA-CEF7-4D8E-8C16- D9F69527F909/ENU/x64/SQLManagementStudio_x64_ ENU.exe
you are expected to use the class server for all of your work I can help if you have any issues my website will create the environment for you I grade your work as it is on the server the server is accessible from anywhere in the world
go to the class website log in use the same credentials you use for MySlice, or Blackboard
click on “Create your DB” this will create your DB environment, used in the class your credentials will be the same as the ones used to log in
if your MySlice/ /… password changes and you want to update your DB password, you can use the website
if you are off campus, you need to VPN in via SURA, before you can connect start: SQL Server Management Studio Server Name: LCS-VC-MSSQL-01.ad.syr.edu Authentication: SQL Server Authentication Login: your NTID Password: your password