 1. Confirm the Purpose of the Event  2. Particulars  3. Set-up  4. Create Event Communications  5. Day of Event.


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Presentation transcript:

 1. Confirm the Purpose of the Event  2. Particulars  3. Set-up  4. Create Event Communications  5. Day of Event

 Topic Speed Networking/ Networking Mixer How to translate JET experience into transferable skills on a resume Getting a job in Japan: rirekisho and SPI test Am I on the right career path for me? Use of Social Media in the job hunt Finding an IT job after JET Basic computer skills for Liberal Arts majors (HTML and CSS) Elevator pitches Mentoring program Teaching Japanese/ESL/Accent reduction Changing Careers Employee Resource Groups

 Audience Small, niche group Large, encompassing group  Activities Lecture Panel discussion Workshop

 Change Focus  Change Audience Size:  How to translate JET experience into transferable skills on a resume  How to translate working/living abroad into transferable skills on a resume

 Who Plans? Officers JAS Recruiters: o Pasona o Interesse o TOP  Time and Venue? Same day/weekend as Returner’s Dinner at Consulate Other events Audience size and venue Costs? Refreshments? On-line?

 Chatty panel members  Mission creep  Finding guest speakers  Funding  Appropriate webinar methods  Not enough time  No one wants to help (plan, speak, etc.)  Lack of focus  Repeating the same thing over and over  Communication about the event

 Who Planned:  The Japan-America Society of Georgia: provided venue at law offices of Board member  JET Alumni Association of the Southeast (JETAASE): provided JET program presentation, speakers  Pasona NA, Inc.: provided coffee and snacks for networking

 Description:  The Japan-America Society of Georgia, JET Alumni Association of the Southeast (JETAASE), and Pasona NA, Inc. present a professional & career development seminar to explore the key elements of career planning and achieving your professional goals in the Japan-America field. This event also features a panel discussion by representatives from Japanese and American companies who will discuss advice and suggestions on landing your dream job and advancing your career.  ジョージア日米協会では JETAASE と PASONA NA, Inc. の協賛で、 日本と米国における求職者の皆様の就職プランや 目的達成への 基本事項に関する就職セミナーを行います。日米企業の代表者 による求職のアドバイスや仕事の昇進に関してのパネル・ディ スカッションも開催されます。

 Friday, October 23, 月 23 日(金)  3:00pm – Registration Opens  3:30pm – Presentation: JET Program (Stephen Haverfield)  3:45pm – Presentation: Hiring trends (Pasona)  4:00pm – Panel: Immigration Lawyer, JETRO (JET alum), University Professor  5:00pm – Networking Reception (leave for Returner’s Dinner at Consulate)  5:30pm – Close

 Main Topics Current Hiring Trends of Employers Resume Writing Best Interview Practices Effective Use of Career Planning Resources Refining Your Networking Skills Setting Personal and Professional Goals  This Event is Perfect For… People interested in the JET Program People taking the JLPT Japanese Proficiency Test Businessmen and women seeking new opportunities at Japanese and/or American companies People seeking to work in Japanese companies or students learning Japanese who want to apply their language skills to a professional career in a Japan- related field People who are planning or want to work in Japan

 Marketing the event: JASG member list Facebook pages (JETAASE, JASG, Pasona) Direct s to Japanese / Asian clubs at local Universities Atlanta Japanese Language Meetup group