1 UKCAT (First sat ) - School application by 25th September 26 Universities currently require the test. 2 hours duration. Most medical and some dental (57 courses). Computer based test. Can be sat from 7 th July to 9 th October You may pick your time, date and location. Fee is a sliding scale from £60 to £75 depending on when you take the test. (£75 from 1 st September 2010 to 8 th October) Pearson – initial form is filled in online. Allow 48 hours for this process as the administration is done in the USA. Do NOT be tempted to take the test too early. You only get one attempt per admission cycle. All candidates will receive test result on leaving the Test Centre (**please let GSH have a copy**).
2 Application Tips Start planning early. Medical experience is essential – internships, volunteers etc. Strategic choice of courses – some applicants will require both tests (i.e. BMAT as well). May use your other choice on UCAS for science courses. Show reasons for choosing medicine clearly in your personal statement. Prepare for UKCAT. Some students will receive a questionnaire from Universities. This is a good sign – must answer fully and completely. Definite trend now towards admissions tests being required by UK Universities. Admissions very competitive. Too many ‘A’ grades at A’ Level.
3 SectionItemsTimingScoring Verbal Reasoning 4421 mins Quantitative Reasoning 4021 mins Abstract Reasoning 6515 mins Decision Analysis 2629 mins Non- Cognitive Analysis Not released30 mins‘Short descriptive passage’. You will have a minute to read the direction for each of the 4 sections. Scores on UKCAT The first four sections are Most score in the tests.
4 Skills tested Logic Make logical deductions. Notice patterns in shapes. Inference Determine what follows closely. Most likely rather than absolute. Maths. Reading charts and graphs. Interpreting graphs. Efficient calculator use (calculator given to you at the centre) Time management Pacing. Concentration. Endurance (for 2 hours) Ethics and Personal Character (not a skill but is being tested in the 5th section). Personal traits and ethics - not something that you can prepare for.
5 1. Verbal Reasoning About eleven passages each with around four questions. About one minute to read the passage and then about 15 seconds per question. You must understand a passage before you try to answer it. 2. Quantitative Reasoning 40 items. To include 10 graphs/charts/tables with 4 items on each. About two minutes per chart and then 4 questions. Use 30 seconds to read the chart – 15 to 20 seconds for each section. Perhaps try to estimate your answer rather than use the calculator – ‘eyeballing’. 3. Abstract Reasoning 65 items made up of 13 sets of 5 with 15 minutes to complete. This means that each set of 5 questions gives you around 1 minute to complete. Use 30 seconds looking at the diagrams and then 5-10 seconds on each item. Look and notice differences and how to extrapolate – kinds of shapes; colour; numbers; angles; size of shapes etc.
6 4. Decision Analysis There will be a table of codes at the front of this section – 29 minutes with 26 items. Two minutes to look at the code. One minute for each question. One minute ‘possibly’ when new information to code. The idea of this section is that as a doctor you have limited information on which to base a decision. 5. Non-Cognitive Analysis This is testing background and character. You must answer questions honestly. Two examples would be: "You appear to balance being self-sufficient, discreet and happy to make your own decisions with being socially and emotionally engaged and outgoing." "You have a moderate tendency to be impulsive, to take most opportunities as they arise and to be quite emotional in your reactions to events"
7 UKCAT Tips Too many questions set. Unfamiliar question types. Unfamiliar computer based format. Practise for section pacing. Strategy for each section. Apply methods consistently. Eliminating wrong answers. Use calculator effectively (an estimate is often better option). Do not leave blanks.
8 Sitting Computer Based Tests. The Centres are very strict on what can be taken in to the test. You will get a letter stating no watches; phones etc. There is a timer on the computer screen. People will be taking other tests at the Centre – lots of coming and going which is very different to normal examination environment. Dress in layers. Arrive minutes early (allow time to park). Bring appropriate ID. Bring confirmation . Practise with computer based tests.
9 Texts and papers and other preparation possibilities. 1.Texts – the best book would appear to be: - 2. A number of other books in the Guidance Centre for reference purposes. 3. UKCAT web site has practice material. 4. Kaplan possibilities.