About us Ann Jeffery University of Huddersfield CPCET & Learning and Teaching Innovation Unit
An introduction to CPCET The Consortium for Post-Compulsory Education and Training
Background CPCET is a consortium of 30+ colleges and 2 HEIs Has developed over 35 years 2000 students across the North of England Specialised HE qualifications Post-16 sector of education and training
Our project Funded by HEFCE Integration of the MLE to reduce paperwork and make working practices more efficient Newly qualified teachers gain experience of how ICT can transform their working environment
Components of MLE E-vision - student records Library systems Blackboard 6 intraLibrary LAMS All systems available over the WWW to reduce reliance on single computers
intraLibrary Digital repository for collaborative development of learning materials Simple homegrown educational taxonomy Being developed from language of tutors/education- usability important Taxonomy already being used as a revision aid
LAMS Easy authoring environments to reduce technical stress Authoring using IMS Learning Design ‘inspired’ system Reusable pedagogically orientated materials Materials that are orientated to ‘learning time’ rather than ‘learning space’ –the difference between Blackboard and LAMS
Integration of 3 learning technologies Single logon across the 3 systems for creating or running sequences Sequences launched via a URL on Blackboard course page Several sequences can be made available on one page
Integration of 3 learning technologies cont... So… Course - BA Education and Training Weeks 1 and 2 - analysing pedagogies –Wenger –Freire –Kolb –Interactive game Weeks 3 and 4 - debating concept Y –Click here to start activity sequence
How it works...
Integration of 3 learning technologies cont... Learning objects launched from intraLibrary via LAMS ‘shared resources’ tool. The future… ? Results reported back to Blackboard? Selection of learning objects direct from intraLibrary in LAMS interface? Wait and see….
Materials Schemes of work Lesson plans Learning objectives - with example of how to teach it. Generic courses ‘Bolt-ons’ to tailor generic courses Basic/key skills
Materials 2 Video resources - existing and new –Work-based experience module –Good practice –Presentations –Lectures/modules Improving Own Learner Profile Focus groups
Materials 3 Other repositories Learning styles profiler Portals such as curriculum online WWW content - infed.org, FERL, BECTA, BBC etc Handbooks
Materials 4 E-learning courses NLN materials Reading lists Articles Papers Archives, picture libraries and museums
User groups FE teacher training - tutors and students FE subject specialisms - tutors and students HE teacher training - tutors and students HE subject specialisms - tutors and students Distance/e-learning tutors - most likely university
Embedding technology Working practices Collaborative authoring - whiteboards Student input via coursework External examiners INSPECTION!
Difficulties Sharing Motivation Time Access to equipment Technical skills Training
Difficulties 2 Quality assurance Producing metadata –time –accuracy –re-use Object versions in repository National/Regional standards v local needs
Dissemination Pathway Leaders College ICT champions Learning Technology Advisors Centre Managers 6 pilot colleges